: Fitting in... (Elliot )

It's been almost three days since that man from the winds appeared. By the way his name was Obrion, if I remember correctly, but it sounded so sophisticated that I chose to call him the 'Man from the winds'. Honestly, my eyes literally popped out on seeing someone appearing out of thin air but Millia later told me that it was a spirit transformation magic by which one can transform itself to any specific element. Arrhh!! I can never get my brain through all this magic stuff!! Yet in the end, what surprised me even more was when he knelt down in front of us and even addressed Zeo as 'Young Master'.

'Was I living with a prince all this time? ' I had thought but when I looked at Zeo he seemed no less surprised than me. So It wasn't something familiar to him either, I assumed. After some kind of explanation, the man gave about the assassination of a Clan leader and Zeo's father becoming the new Clan Leader, Zeo had been worried ever since. The level of his anxiety has surely decreased with time but it still persists even if he tries to hide it sometimes. It seems even with their magic, Elves are not good at hiding their feelings.

In our five days of stay here, Nathan and I have picked their own role for helpers as our gratitude to the brother-sister duo for their help. Nathan had chosen to help Millia with her medicines she used to sell in a town nearby. And he kind of enjoys the work too.

"Now, I have decided, if I am ever going back to the human world again I would like to become a doctor or a pharmacist, if possible. " He had once told me. 'At least this accidental journey was beneficial for someone' I had thought at the comment. And finally, I had decided to help Zeo with his daily herb gatherings. We both were trying our best to fit in this strange and dangerous world. But, as obvious as it was, both me and Nathan were kind of missing our home, our daily boring routines and not to mention our families too. Though Nathan never mentioned the idea of going back to me directly, it was still visible in his lonely walks and silent stays. I knew what he was feeling and interestingly, I also knew that he knew what I knew. We were kind of brothers, after all.

This morning after breakfast, we went to our daily jobs with Nathan helping Millia in her work while I went on with Zeo. I have been noticing that Zeo kind of enjoys my company. We went on talking all the way up and down. Well, time in itself is a protesting child, if you want it to be gentle it paces with quick steps and when you want it to be fast it turns steadier than a snail. With me and Zeo it was the former one. He would talk about his strict father and his protective sister and how instead of all there stupid nagging and werid comments, he still loved. It was in those talks that I came to know that whom he called his father was actually his adoptive father. His biological parents had left him the day he was born in this forest.

'How cruel would that have been on little Zeo?' I thought to myself with a bitter feeling. But Zeo in turn seemed quite neutral to the action of his biological parents. Maybe he had already accepted the fact that his real parents did not need him, or maybe he never even considered them his parents. In any case he seemed fine.

His talks kind of reminded me of my father who was already lost in my old album of memories and even my mother who might be waiting for me back home.

But after The Man from the Winds or if your memories are sharper than mine, Obrion decided that he would accompany us to the forest, my talks with Zeo had been small and precise. As far as I had noticed, This Man from the Winds didn't like me much. He looked at me with perched eyes, filled with questions and suspicion, as if silently asking me why, how and what was a human like me doing with his Young Master. But he never dared to say anything. He had a dignified way of a servant, I suppose.

"What are we looking for, young master?" Obrion asked.

"Shill flowers, Dazel leaves and Tros fruits." Zeo replied in a somewhat annoyed tone. Maybe he also didn't like Obrion following him around everywhere. Obrion either did not notice this annoyance or chose to ignore it.

Soon we reached the deepest parts of the forest. Zeo found the Shill flowers and Dazel leaves quite easily because they were lurking near the foot of pines but the case with the Tros fruits was not so easy. The tree stood different from the other pine trees. It was really tall, its top probably kissing the sky itself, while its thin branches holding the round, pink fruits we were looking for. I stared at Zeo with amazement.

" Can you really climb it? "I asked.

"For you...of course!!" He announced as he went on climbing the gigantic tree.

Obrion and I stood there, witnessing the grand show of talent in front of us. To be honest, Zeo was really vigorous and skilful in climbing the first few metres but then his body started giving up to its physical restraints. His speed was reduced by half till the time he climbed about five metres . I could see him sweating and puffing with tiredness .

Till the time he reached about eight metres, the fruits were in his reach. He took the support of a branch and reached for Tros fruit. Fortunately, he got hold of one and waved it to me but unfortunately, the branch he was clinging to tore off from the stem like it was made of paper. I heard Zeo's cry and with his my cry came out like a natural alert, " Zeo!! No!!". I closed my eyes hoping that not seeing the fate in front of me could alter the outcome. And guess what it did....

[Elemental Magic: Wind style-Air Drift]

I heard those words clear and loud from beside me, from the Man from the winds. That's when a gust of wind blew swiftly from behind me, altering what I was expecting to see after opening my eyes. I imagined Zeo in pain, a few of his bones shattered and a gush of blood around. Even the thought of Zeo in pain passed a current of fear and dread through my spine. But all my fear vapourised after seeing Zeo slowly drifting in air, almost floating like an air balloon. A breath of relief passed through my lungs.

"Thank you..."I said to Obrion.

"It's my duty to protect the young master..." He replied indifferently. Zeo slowly came down. His face didn't show a drop of gratitude towards Obrion. Maybe, he still didn't like him. Yet Obrion didn't mind this youthful reply.

"Young master, if you may, I could bring these fruits for you.." He suggested.

"As you may wish.." Zeo replied flatly and retreated back to stand beside me, while Obrion moved forward.

[Elemental Magic:Wind style-Multiple Air Slashes]

Suddenly, blades of wind escaped from Obrion's hand slicing many fruits from the trees and bring them in the lap of the Earth

[Elemental Magic: Wind style -Air Drift]

Then, with the drift of wind, the fruits started floating again, slowly coming down. Suddenly, I felt a hand pulling me. I turned to my left and it was Zeo.

"Come with me, I want to show you something.." He whispered and silently pulled me in his direction and I let him.

We ended up in front of a huge tree whose branches were attached with ribbon-like greenish-blue leaves. There were some red flowers at its ends which smelled of pineapple and rose. Those were the same flowers I had seen in the vase the first day at Zeo's house. Zeo sat under it and signalled me to sit beside him.

"This is the Klves tree I sowed with my father about eighty years ago. I still can't believe it has grown this much. You know, whenever I am sad or depressed I come here. I don't know why but it really gives me peace and joy under its cool shade, being surrounded by the sweet fragrance of these flowers." He said while playing with one of its flowers on the ground.

"Eighty years!! Wait, how old are you anyway?" I asked.

"Ninety or a hundred..probably." He told me. I stared at him with disbelief.

"You are such an old geezer.." I declared and immediately regretted it after seeing the childish pout coming out from Zeo. We both fell into laughter and after a few minutes silence fell.

"It is really pretty.." I told him.

"But why did you show it to me?" I asked shortly after.

"Like I had told you earlier, I trust you..."

I turned towards him. He was there, looking at me with such a feeling that I can't describe. His grey eyes looked at me with such deepness.

"Why are you crying?" He asked me in confusion. I didn't even realise that I was crying. But for what? Why was I crying? It felt like I had been an empty glass before. But now, I was overflowing with emotions I can't possibly explain. I felt longing, regret, anger and joy. All of this at once Zeo put his warm fingers over my cheeks, rubbing off my tears.

"Please don't cry...I can't bear to see you like this..."He said while holding my cheeks with his cupped hands. I wanted to explode, I wanted to just hug him and cry, and keep on crying till my eyes were out but, I didn't.

I stood up rubbing off my cheeks. "I..I think..we should...go.. now."I said, my voice a little rough. I was trying to avoid contact with Zeo. He stood up too and nodded as he moved forward to lead the way.

After a few steps, I felt a strange uneasiness. I looked around. My eyes caught a man in black robe looking at us. He had a strange mask over his face. He then raised a hand towards Zeo.

[Soul Manipulation: Skeletal Style- Boney arrows!!]

From his hands, three spiky arrows escaped which were directed towards Zeo, but unlike the last time I didn't close my eyes to wait for the Fates to alter the upcoming outcome. My legs moved swiftly, beyond my control.

"Zeo!! Look out!" I cried as I pushed him out the trajectory of the arrows. Two of them did not hit us but the last one hit me on my shoulder, piercing it. We both fell to the ground with a cry of pain and agony that escaped me. Pools of blood gathered around me...I looked at Zeo. He was dead-shocked with the turn of events. I felt weak because of the blood running out of my shoulders. But it was not over yet, the attacker was still there. I need to get Zeo out of here.

I held Zeo who was still in a state of shock and deadness. I held his hands and ran forward and he didn't resist. I felt weaker and weaker with every step. But Zeo...I ...need to get him..out of..here...to..somewhere..safe . Somewhere safe.. That's what I thought when a bright light blinded me. And Then I was surrounded by total darkness, no earth no, no sky..just empty darkness.

Zeo was still beside me a bit more conscious now. He was safe now..I felt it.

He was safe and that's all that matters...