: Sweet and Hot (Zeo)

It's been almost an hour since Millia and Nathan are gone. They had to leave to collect the herbs they required for Millia's medicines. I am starting to feel anxious now. They should have been home by now but there is still no sign of them. I knew it wasn't a good idea to leave the house, especially when Obrion was not home. He had said he needed to look after some work.

You know, I really can't imagine how dad could send such an irresponsible man to give us protection. The attack in the forest was my carelessness, I agree, but he shouldn't leave when we have recently received a major attack, should he? And on top of that Millia had to go for her herbs right now for the medicines Elliot needed.

I am sitting on the living room couch right now, ticking my fingers on the wooden table. Should I go look for them? But that would leave Elliot alone here and that could be dangerous, specifically in his condition. But what if Millia and Nathan were attacked? Neither of them is good at self defence. A picture of Millia injured flashed in front of my eyes and I suddenly felt tense. Millia and Dad were everything to me and I can't bear to lose any of them. 'I need to look for them.' I thought as I stood up and put on an overcoat to get out. But then I heard some rattling sound from Elliot's room. But Elliot wasn't awake. Wait, is someone else here? I instantly became cautious. I tip-toed down the hall to peek into Elliot's room. To be honest, I hadn't visited Elliot after our last meeting. I don't know why but it's like I don't want Elliot to get very close to me, probably because I am afraid I might hurt him again.

Elliot was not on his bed. Instead, I saw him crawling on the floor, reaching out for the table filled with a glass of water.

"Elliot !!" I exclaimed as I went on to help him up.

"Here..." I said as I passed the glass of water to him.

"I don't exactly remember what caused me this injury." He said after having one sips, pointing to his shoulder.

"Can you fill me in.."

"We were attacked." I declared.

"But why?" He said, tilting his head to one side. I almost smiled, almost..

"Well, we don't have any specific clues but probably it has to do something with my father being the new Clan Leader." I explained and he nodded his head lightly.

"Wait, what about you, you hurt anywhere?" He asked shortly after. He had a worrying and hurt expression on his face.

"Yes, my heart hurts but you are the reason" - This is what I wanted to say but it came out as a simple- no.

"Where are Nathan and Millia?" He asked

"Out for some herbs she needed." I told him.

"Are you hungry?" I questioned.

"Yes, a little bit."

"Then wait here. I am going to cook something." I said.

"Wait! You can cook too?" He said in surprise.

"Of course.." I lied. In reality, I haven't even boiled an egg in my life. But better today than never....

I stood up from the bed, Elliot's big cat eyes still locked on me.

"Don't leave this room. And if you need something. Just call me." I said and left the room.

Then I entered my new battle zone- the kitchen. Usually, I was here either to grab something to eat or to torment Millia but today....today I had a new job. And strangely, it didn't even feel like I ever knew this room of my house. I was struggling to get hold of what was kept where. I decided that I would make just a simple porridge, but here I was, turning the kitchen upside down to just look for a cup of rice.

After I had won the battle of recruiting my soldiers, some way or the other, I finally stepped into the real battle - cooking.

I took a pot, added water and rice into it and put it on the flame. That's what Millia used to do, if I am not wrong. But What did she do after this?? She added salt or chilly or pepper or all of them. Ahh!! Why don't I remember anything. I will just try to add all of them in less quantity to prevent overtaste of a flavour which shouldn't be there. And that is how my brilliant solution goes.

But when I tasted it myself, it seemed a little more than water and a little less than food. What the hell did I make? I added more of the ingredients in the porridge and in the end, I think I made a little of everything in this pot. Well that's a good way to present the mess I have created here. Ahh!! What do I do now? Maybe if I could let this get cooked a little longer, it might taste better. Or so I thought? After I entered the kitchen after picking up a few strawberries from our garden, I knew Elliot would love these, a cloud of black smoke was hovering over the pot.

"Shit !!" I cried as got hold of the burning pot.

"Ahh! So hot! " I cried at the burning skin in my hands and the pot left my hand into the vastness of the floor.

'There goes the food....' I thought but maybe it would be an overstatement to call it that even a food.

"Will I have to eat that?" I heard a voice say. I turned around to meet Elliot's eyes.

He had a funny and amused look on his face. My face reddened with shame and embarrassment. This was the moment I realised, I fucked up.

"Wait, let me clean this up. Then I will make a new one.." I said feebly. I took a piece of cloth from myself and got down to clean this shit.

"You don't need to make another one. I am not that hungry. These will do just fine. " He declared, pointing at the strawberries.

"But-.." I started but couldn't think of any reason. I know what are the odds that the next food I prepare would be something edible but still.

"It's okay. I am not that hungry." He told me as if knowing what I was thinking about. And since I didn't have any reasonable thoughts, I let it through...

"You shouldn't have got out of your bed, you know." I scolded Elliot.

He pouted.


"Tell me, is there a secret to the sweetness of your strawberries?" He asked, his mouth filled with at least four of them. I just smiled at his silliness. 'How could a man look this cute and adorable?' I thought as I stared at Elliot eating with joy. We were in Elliot's bed right now.

But My mind strolled down to the thought of Nathan and Millia. They still hadn't returned. It has been half an hour since then. Why are they taking so much time?

"Is something bothering you?" Elliot asked. I looked at him. He had the same worried expression again.

"It's nothing much...just Millia and Nathan hadn't returned. " I said.

"Have they been gone for long?"

"A bit.." I clarified.

"They will be alright..." He said while putting his warm hand over my cold one.

"I hope so."

"Now you want some of these." He said playfully.


"Not so easily." He teased while gulping the whole strawberries without even chewing.

"You wanna play." I said as I tickled him on his tummy.

"Hahahahah..." he laughed loudly and tried to move away from me but could not.

We kept on laughing and tickling until a cry of pain escaped from Elliot -"Ouchh!!"

"What happened? " I asked immediately, getting cautious.

"I..I..t-thin-k my sh-oul..it-..its hurting" He managed to say in agony. Did I stimulate any wound on his shoulder? F*ck you, Zeo!!

"Wait, wait, just wait. Let me find something to reduce your pain" I said, my voice shuttering with nervousness and agitation. I looked through Millia's shelf to find some kind of portion for pain killing. And luckily, I found one who said- Pain reducer.

I took it and gave it to Elliot for two sips, avoiding any overdose.

"Do you feel better?" I asked.

"Maybe..." he said, his voice a little groggy.

"You should rest now." And he nodded.

I went to the kitchen to clean the mess I had created. Burned pot, dirtied floor and vials of smoke were still there. I opened the window and went on cleaning the pot. After about fifteen minutes, the house was extremely quiet so I decided to check on Elliot for once before going to look for Millia.

Hardly had I entered the room then I felt a hand pulling my arms. The force was not strong enough but its surprise got my balance off. The face of the doer was barely inches away. I stared at him. It was Elliot, his face flushed red and his breaths vigorous.

"Elliot you alright-" I asked in surprise. But before I could say anything more. I felt a pair of soft lips over mine. My mind turned blank for a moment as I felt the heat from Elliot's lips. His warm body rubbed against mine. The kiss felt strangely satisfying, the taste of his lips, the smell of his breath gave me a swirly sensation in my chest. He moved away, breaking our kiss, gasping for air.

"Ar-e you drunk?" I asked, caressing his pink cheeks. He tilted his head to the right, confused. His breath smelled of alcohol. But when? And then I realised it. It was the pain reducer.

Elliot moved closer again, slowly as if waiting for my approval. I should have pushed him off. But my conscience was dead, drowned in swirls of my heart. I wanted him. I wanted Elliot. Instead of him I was the one to initiate this kiss. And this time I responded to his slow movement, getting drunk with him. He hugged me, getting closer. I slipped my hands over his back and silky hairs pulled him even closer. He felt so hellish, intoxicating.

I looked hungrily at the subject of my lust. Elliot's cheeks were redder than before and his lips a bit swollen from the earlier kisses. But he looked so unnecessary sexy that I couldn't think of anything other than eating him whole.

I held him in my arms, closing all doors of escape for him and started kissing him again, passionately. I ravaged him. I slide through his neck snd collarbone. I was almost on the verge of removing his shirt when I heard a deep voice calling for me.

"Zeo! Millia ! Where are you both?" He called.

Shit! It was DAD !!