: Jealousy on the table (Zeo)

I had thought that bringing Elliot with me to the dining hall was a good idea. I knew I had really messed things up when I had kissed him without his consent. When I witnessed that face of his after, he was deeply hurt. He didn't even realise it, but his eyes were flooding with those precious tears. I knew the reason for his tears. It was me, as always. My heart quenched in flames of shame and regret as I saw him.

'Why are you such a piece of shit, Zeo? Just why??' I cursed myself.

He must have been thinking I was just toying with his feelings like this. I wanted to say something. I wanted to tell him everything, everything my heart was screaming out loud. I wanted to tell him that I wasn't just playing with him, that I was sorry, that I....I.. like...and just like that my words got lost in my breaths.

The first time I tried to explain myself to Elliot, he didn't let me finish, I can't blame him though. He must be mad at me and he should be too. But even after that everytime I tried to talk, I was just interrupted by some random person who pops out of nowhere to fuck things up even more.

What the hell is wrong with the world !!

And if I wasn't frustrated enough, fates sent the person who would probably be the last person I wanted to see at the moment-- that fucking prince Adrian. What sins did I commit to meet this guy here?? He didn't have any reasons to stay here, did he? So why the hell can't he leave us alone !!

While he annoyingly stood there smiling, I noticed that he was just staring at Elliot with those interested eyes of his. He was literally checking him out like he owned him or something. I wasn't going to let him do whatever he wants, at least not with Elliot. I stood between him and Elliot and he certainly didn't like the interruption. Nice dude ! Just get the taste of your own medicine.

After that, I had to drag Elliot out from his prying eyes to the dining hall, but little did I know that this guy could be shameful enough to follow us to the hall while one of his button eyes was locked on Elliot. I swear on heavens, someday I am really going to smack his face if he doesn't stop staring at Elliot like that. I don't care if he is a prince or any god. He can't look at Elliot like that. He just can't!

When we reached the hall , it was already inundated with people. The hall was gigantic with high-perching ceilings and windows of coloured glasses. There was a chandelier of blue and red crystals which hung majestically with chiming tunes. Under the chandelier lay a long table, decorated with silver cutlery and flower vases while sets of beautiful chairs stood on both sides of the table. On the other side of the table sat the Clan Lady Synthia with her evergreen bright smile and grandeur. Some officials were surrounding her while some sat on their seats waiting for her commands.

Soon enough she noticed us and with her all the other people stood up to show their respects. Isn't this a bit too much for a Clan leader's son? And then my mind caught the cue. This wasn't for me. It was for this guy beside me. This annoying, stupid, rich and rude prince. I rolled my eyes as I walked forward to get seated. My fingers were still gripping on Elliot's arms.

"This place is so...gorgeous" I heard Elliot say, mostly to himself. I smiled from the inside. Maybe, this place would light up his mood and then I can talk to him clearly.

"You know, the dining hall in the Royal Palace is grander than this one. And more gorgeous too." Adrian suggested from nowhere. Just when I felt things were going the right way, he had to interrupt. This guy....

"Is it?" Elliot asked in surprise.

'Don't let him fool you Elliot. He is just showing off. ' I said in my mind.

Adrian nodded with a smile. I gripped Elliot even tighter and swiftly walked away, keeping Elliot away from even his shadow. It must be hurting him but I was too frustrated to remain sane. We both sat next to each until Adrian came and sat next to Elliot. I think I am going to erupt any moment now!!

"Elliot, I think you should sit here." I declared, getting up from my seat.

Elliot looked at me tilting his head to one side.

"Hmm? Why?"

"Uhhh..bcuz...because the view is better from here." I announced stupidly.

"The chandelier looks more beautiful from here." I added.

Elliot raised an eyebrow. Shit ! What shit am I saying??

"I..mean..." I tried to explain myself but Elliot just sighed and got up. He exchanged places with me.

Now I sat beside Adrian. Though I didn't like the idea of sitting beside him, it was better than Elliot sitting beside him. I turned to him and smirked, an evil smirk.

'Mission accomplished! You lost this round dude!' I said with my expressions.

He shrewd his eyes and suddenly stood up and jumped over the table to the other side, grabbing the attention of every person in the hall yet no one said anything. Wait ! What was he planning??

"I think I would like to sit here. The view seems better from here." He declared as he returned my smirk. What the hell !!

He sat down on the seat facing Elliot. I wanted to protest but before I could say anything Lady Synthia announced:

"Since all our guests are now here, we shall begin the feast. Please hold your seats gentlemen."

And with that the chandelier above us started jingling in pleasant tunes as those bright crystals collided lightly with each other and all the flower vases on the table came to life, lingering their vines to put up the lids which covered the plates, hiding such ecstatic food underneath. Each vine elegantly snaked itself around the cutlery and started serving the food to the guests. This sight was indeed rare and stunning but the sight which was even more stunning for me lay beside me.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Elliot looking at all these events with glee and awe. At moments, he tried to touch those vines and they would curl back on contact and then he would giggle slightly like a kid playing with his pet. I don't know what kind of smile I must have had on my face while I stared at him, indifferent but there's one thing I can be certain of.

The most beautiful magical spell that would ever exist for me in this world is Elliot's warm and innocent smile.