Another Expedition

Lanji suddenly sensed danger.

She saw the Elder Princess of Zenit saying something to the guards and the guards immediately got aware and cautious. Her sharp instinct told her that her enemies discovered her existence and was trying to trap her.

"Such a dangerous woman. No wonder she is known as the [Goddess of Intelligence] around here."

Lanji quietly backed off and avoided all the possible attention as she blended in with the pedestrians on the street. Before she merged into the traffic and disappeared like a fish in the ocean, the girl turned around and looked at her father who was now locked inside the jail cart.

"Father, just wait! I will save you, and I will let that devil pay for what he did!"



After Fei returned to Chambord's campsite, he felt an unprecedented fatigue.

It wasn't physical tiredness; it was a spiritual fatigue that he felt in his souls. Therefore, after he walked around in the campsite, he went directly into the central tent and lied down on the bed without talking to anyone. As soon as his head touched the pillow, he fell asleep.

The soldiers and warriors of Chambord all sensed the strange mood their king was in and none of them walked up to him and talked to him.

Actually, a few minutes ago, the [Fallen Princess] Victoria who was now the self-proclaimed head economist of Chambord rushed over to Fei with the record book. After sensing Fei's mood, she stuck out her tongue and quickly ran away as if she was the mouse and Fei was the cat; she panicked so much that she even knocked over a few chairs on her way back.

Victoria didn't know why she was so scared of Fei. As long as she saw Fei with a serious face, she would shiver uncontrollably and almost couldn't stand straight.

After about four hours, Fei sensed a familiar and sweet fragrance in his dreams. When he opened his eyes, he saw Angela sitting beside the bed and looking at him as she cupped her chin on her hands.

The beautiful girl was looking at him with her crystal eyes as a worried expression appeared on her face. The golden sunlight shined on the girl's face through the skylight on the ceiling, and her long eyelashes would break the light when she blinked. Fei felt like any movements made by this girl would pull him in.

He smiled subconsciously.

When he saw this beautiful girl, he felt like his mood instantly brightened as all that negative energy on him was gone. As if the wind blew away the dark clouds and the sunlight melted the snow, everything got better.

"Ah, Alexander, you are awake? Huh? You smiled? Haha," when Angela saw Fei wake up and smile, she laughed as a playful smile appeared on her face.

Fei sat up and held onto his fiancée's cold hands.

He remembered what Tanasha told him and knew that this girl participated in all the parties in St. Petersburg for him. When she returned drunk a few times, Fei was worried that she might get addicted to these upper-class parties where everyone acted fake, but it turned out that he was worried for nothing.

Since Angela liked quietness, it was natural for her to dislike the noisy parties.

"She must have endured a lot these days for me," Fei thought.

He suddenly felt like he had to give this girl who loved him dearly an answer she wanted.

"Angela... Let's host our wedding and get married," as soon as he said that, he hesitated a little.

It obviously wasn't a good time. He had to lead [Wolf Teeth Legion] to the Jax Battle Region in three days, and it was going to be filled with blood and tears. Fei was confident in his abilities to return safely, but could Zenit Empire last through this turbulence? If Zenit Empire got conquered, what would happen to Chambord?

A joyous smile appeared on Angela's face as if she was waiting for this moment forever.

However, it seemed like this girl thought of something in the next moment and her bright smile dimmed.

She lowered her head for a while, but she soon looked up again.

"Alexander, I know you are going on another expedition, and there isn't enough time to prepare for our... our wedding. I'm really happy that you told me that... I'm really happy. However, I'm trying my best not to become a burden for you. Although I really want to become your queen, I know that this is not the best time. Alexander, I'm not as smart as Tanasha, I'm not as pretty as Paris, and I'm not as strong as Elena who can protect you all the time... However, I will always wait for you. Doesn't matter if you are the silly Alexander before or the king that is admired by a lot of people, I will always be with you..." Angela said with a bright smile on her face.

Perhaps this was the first time she spoke her heart out, her voice got quieter and quieter; her cute blushing face looked like a red apple.

Fei didn't say anything; he just embraced this girl in his arms.

At this moment, he felt like he was very fortunate.

He promised himself that he will protect everyone he loved; he didn't want what happened to Krasic happen to anyone else again!

Time passed by quickly.

Three days later.

Clip-clopping noises made by the hooves of the warhorses resonated in the sky and clouds of dust soared into the sky as well. A ton of rectangular flags fluttered in the air and covered the sunlight, and blades and spears were all raised in the air and looked like a forest of weapons.

Under the instruction of the No.1 Commander of the Jax Battle Zone and the Legion Commander of [Wolf Teeth Legion] King Alexander, [Wolf Teeth Legion] that was constructed in a few days started its expedition journey after a white cow was sacrificed to the gods on the altar and Fei pledged to bring victory back to Zenit.

Half a day ago, the first cavalier brigade already left for the Jax Battle Zone with Shevchenko as the Brigade Commander, Cech as the Deputy Brigade Commander, and six master warriors from the affiliated kingdoms such as Pierce, Drogba, and [Wind and Fire Dual Warriors] as Battalion Commanders and Team Commanders.

In the last few days, the situation changed a lot.

First, both Jax Empire and Eindhoven Empire declared war against Zenit.

Then, St. Germain Empire entered an alliance with Zenit Empire. The Crown Prince Girano and the No.1 General Pastori of St. Germain each led 50,000 soldiers as reinforcements to the Spartax Battle Zone and the Eindhoven Battle Zone.

From the newest information Zenit got, the Jax Empire had already placed 100,000 soldiers on the border, and they already started to attack. The most important city in the northwest region of Zenit called Dual-Flags City was under siege, and the soldiers of the Jax Empire were able to potentially enter the key regions of Zenit very soon.

The first mission of [Wolf Teeth Legion] was to hold against the siege of three legions of the Jax Empire and make sure that the northwest region of Zenit doesn't fall into the hands of the enemies. On top of that, they should counter-invade the Jax Empire when the opportunity arises.

Everyone had to admit that this was a tough mission; it could be called Mission Impossible.

For the last 10 years, the Jax Empire was the most dominating empire in the area. Their soldiers had the best training, and they had [Griffin Legion] that was known as the Ruler of the Sky. This legion had high mobility, and it was hard to defend against them as they could appear at any time. Even though the 10 main battle legions of Zenit had a lot of battle experience, [Blizzard Legion], one of the 10 main battle legions, had fought with the legions of the Jax Empire and lost most of the time.

[Wolf Teeth Legion] was only constructed recently, and most of the soldiers were grassroots warriors from the affiliated kingdoms. They had never been in big wars, and they lacked good coordination. In the eyes of many people, this legion was really bad, and it was no different to suicide if they had to battle against the Jax Empire.

"Be careful. Try to prolong the war and don't engage with them head-on; try to save strength. If you can prolong the war for three to four months, it would count as a victory."

This was what Tanasha told Fei before he left.

At the same time, she gave him four small magic boxes. She told him that he could open up the boxes in order once he encountered difficulties.

"Giggles... come back alive~ Actually, the Military Headquarter doesn't even think that you can win against Jax. If you can cause enough trouble for them and they couldn't get together with Spartax and Eindhoven, it would count as a victory! If you encounter any internal troubles, make sure you tell me about it and I will take care of it for you!"

This was what Paris told Fei before he left.

What she said was similar to Tanasha, and she also gave Fei four magic boxes. If Fei didn't know that these two most famous females of Zenit didn't like each other and would never coordinate, Fei would have thought that these two were pranking him.