Battle of Ásgarðr

Note: this chapter will be filled up eventually with what happen on Ásgarðr

Please see two previous chapters for updates, you might find something new.


Loki was meditating on Ásgarðrdian Eldrith. His synchronization process was moving well and he felt oddly powerful on Ásgarðr soil.

For last few days he felt something strange on edge of his perception and he cannot put a metaphorical finger to that. Something was wrong and this wrongness was moving closer and closer. It was itching and the more he focused on Ásgarðrdian Eldrith the more it was itching.

With a frustrating breath out, he got up and went out of Golden Chamber. When he emerged from a Vault, this weird sensation got more pronounced.

Just then HEll broke out.

There was huge explosion from Observatory and rainbow bridge, that followed by explosions from other directions.

He started to run towards closest balcony and a view was not pretty. His best guess that they don't have anything air assault protection anymore.

Weird sensation got worse and closer. From a balcony he saw Warriors were dropping dead with overwhelming damage on their bodies that looks like from some energy based weapons.

Invisible. Something was doing invisible assault and he got a feeling that his weird itching is exactly about that.

He focused on Ásgarðrdian Eldrith and tried to push weirdness out. Out of Asgard. It was taxing but he just clenched his jaw and push, and push.

With a loud DING of broken string , reality shifted and streets and air got filled with chitauri warriors and vessels. Energy beams were flying everywhere.

He felt out of breathing air and had to put hand on a wall. His personal guards spread around him and were tense.

"We are under chitauri assault. Probably under Mad Titan Thanos commands."


He got to War Halls shortly after that. The Centre of Ásgarðr defence system.

General Tyr was already there. In a middle of the Hall was a Realm Mirror - special artifact that displayed real-time status landscape, assault and defence forces.

"General Tyr, status"

"Bifrost and air defence destroyed in initial attack. Assault forces were covered with some concealing field unknown origin. We are down at least for quarter forces due to that. Field is down for unknown reason now. We are falling back to Palace to straight up our defences. Civilians directed to shelters under Palace. We have heavy loss on that front."

There was a loud thunder clap from outside.


"Yes, Prince Thor is working on air assault right now with support from our archery troops. It is all what we left with"

The weird feeling started to grow again and this time he was able to feel a direction where it was coming from.

"Concealing field is spreading to cover air assault troops!" - someone gave update.

Loki focused again on that sensation and started to push again. It was easily to repeat and heavier to channel through this time. He almost lost a balance and had to hold to the table.

"Your Majesty!" - exclaimed General Tyr.

"Concealing field is down!" - the same voice updated.

"I am fine. It is taxing to break it"

General Tyr gave him a surprised glance

"Forces and civilians behind a line of protective dome." - reported status guy, yeah He is definitely going to call him that.

"Activate Protective Dome now." - commanded General Tyr and with Hmmmmm sound golden shield covered a Palace Projection on Realm Mirror.


Next few hours they spent on plaining counter attack. Three Warriors were sent on scouting mission to Observatory to have damage report. Healing Halls were overwhelmed with wounded and were doing their best to put warriors back together. Thor showed up at some point patched up and with ugly scar on his right side of the face.

At some point battlecruiser showed up on top of palace and started to batter down protective dome.


They were moving via underground secret passage. Fandal was not happy about that and would prefer to go over the ground, but their mission is about scouting. When they got close to Observatory, passage was mostly covered in broken stones and have been blocked. It took them another careful 20 minutes to create some space to go through. Instead of secret stairs up, they have a cliff looking to the Void with water mist covering everything.

"Not much left out of Observatory" - whispered Volstagg. Hogun just pointed somewhere to the right and down. There was a body, barely hanging on the cliff and buried by some debris. Fandal produced a rope and gave one end to the Volstagg while securing another to his belt. There were no need for extra word, they did similar jobs many times already. He reached down to the body shortly, and find out that it was Heimdall, still breathing, tightly holding Hofun.

It took them some time to get him back to secure passage and tend to his wounds.

Heimdall, half concisely muttered that Miðgarðr is under assault and went limb as well. That was not a good news, not good at all, but they have their own problems to take care about.
