Chapter Seven- Bittersweet

Doug's eyes shot open as he took a deep breath and swallowed hard, sweat soaked through the dingy pillowcase and sheets. Those jasper eyes haunted his dreams. He stretched and touched warm flesh next to him and noticed there were two women naked in a tangled mess of both sheets and each other. The smell of sweat and body odor lingered, Doug smiled and gently patted one of the women on the butt. "I don't know your name, but good morning.", unable to remember where his clothes were, he scanned the room and noticed the disgusting mess of garbage and drywall that covered his floor. How did these beautiful creatures look past all of this mess? Scratching his arm aimlessly, he immediately remembered why it itched, the tattoo, the pain of his raised and seared flesh screamed at him. Doug had hoped that his nightmare last night was just a dream, but no, Baal was real. The realization of the situation stung his ego a little, yet these women were still in his bed even if they were blood bought. He shrugged his shoulders and smiled as he looked at them again and the millions of dollars that lay scattered all over his floor, bed, and hallway. "What did you do this time, stupid?" His ex-wife's voice thundered in his head. Doug remembered the deal, he had sold his next child for this happiness, was it worth it? He smiled as the thought crossed his mind and drank in the women's nakedness again, especially the blond. Her tanned and toned body called to his desires. Thoughts of last night began to tickle his memory, the way they looked at him with their porn star bodies satiated his fantasies in one night, making him feel like a god. These succubae were his to devour in any and every way that he desired, if they didn't kill him first. He was going to have his happy ending with or without Sammi. Both the money and these women were going to make sure of that.

He climbed over the mountain of beautifully warm flesh and made his way to the bathroom. His reflection stopped him in his tracks, when was the last time that he looked into a mirror? His reflection was daunting, his eyes sunken in and surrounded by darkness. His skin was pale and oily, looking like he belonged in a wax museum. How long had it been, how long was this binge?

He turned the shower on and noticed the brown water trickled from the calcified metal head. Doug had meant to fix that a long time ago with the rest of his dilapidated house, yet it still remained a mirror image of the life he used to live. He unscrewed the metal shower head, burning his hand, and took a shower under the scalding hot water that hit his skin like a bullet, leaving welts and burn marks on his chest and arms. Doug looked for the soap and only found a collection of used bars in a gelatinous mess within a broken coffee cup. He grabbed a handful of the goo and washed up with an old sponge that he had found behind the cup. Both dirt and dried blood pooled at his feet, creating a murky grave for his toes. Doug had planned on getting the drains fixed along with everything else within this life.

Doug looked for a towel and noticed the overflowing laundry hamper, so he gingerly made his way to the sink without slipping or drying off, leaving puddles within the dingy carpet. Picking up his razor, he noticed the caked-up hair and dead bugs that clogged the triple blades," What the fuck!? Is everything within this house screwed?" he screamed as he slammed his hand down on the already cracked counter.

"Not everything!" A giggle followed as a female voice said," Come back to bed, Dougi!"

"Funny!" Doug said with a smile, the pain subsiding as he thought about last night. He was now wanted by two beautiful women, women that most men could only hope to dream up, let alone have in their beds. He puffed his chest out and flexed in the mirror, he needed to start working out again.

He soaked his razor in the brown collection of water within the sink's basin, breaking up the dead bugs, hair, and dried skin with one hand and with the other he grabbed his shaving cream. He pressed the blue button on the metal can and watched as the canister hissed and sputtered white foam dots into his palm before dying completely," Are you serious?!" and threw the can at the wall, making a hole within the moldy and mildewed drywall, forcing both roaches and water bugs to scatter with the intrusion. Doug hung his head and took a deep breath, placing a thin layer of shaving cream on his stubble. The razor was still sharp, and he hadn't cut himself, no blood. He smiled into the mirror; it was a small victory. He grabbed his toothbrush and toothpaste tube, squeezing the empty plastic until something came out. Little remained, he ran his tongue over his coffee and nicotine-stained smile and let out a deep sigh while looking himself in the eyes and said, "Get your shit together, Doug." and placed the old toothbrush into his mouth.

Doug walked through the house naked until he reached his bedroom, money stuck to his wet feet. He wiped the money off his feet as he went to put socks on his feet. He looked around and found a pair of jeans that looked clean and smelled them, shrugging his shoulders as he put them on. He sat down to put on his shoes and said," Hey ladies! It's time to go shopping, we need to buy me a new life!"

Both women perked up and purred as they stretched," Come back to bed first, we're not done with you yet." they both jumped to their knees, bouncing and grabbing at Doug while they bit his neck, pulling him back to the comfy grave.