Blinded by Rage

Zeal's sinister plan was baffling to me. I thought to myself thousands of times that it was so beyond my reach. I would have to listen to him and wait for the night to arrive to enact this plan. It weirded me out a lot that he trusted me so much. I wanted to be the leader of this Isle, but I didn't think I'd get it so easily.

The fact that his plan was so honest as well, offering himself to go down to Earth to get his goals, was astonishing. Everything seemed premeditated, but I didn't care that much.

I went back to Zeal's house and was offered dinner from Alba and Moonlight themselves. They made some sort of beef. Whatever it was, it was heavenly. I thought more and more about my unknown past as I graded the food's seasoning like I had some sort of experience about it from before.

The evening went on steadily and the girl appeared from the forest in different clothing. This time, she had armor and a sharpened wooden staff on her back. She was alone, but with the way she was standing, I could tell she could kill everybody here without breaking a sweat.

"I'm here for my White Stone." The girl said, knocking on the gate and shouting into the base. Everybody began looking for each other until Zeal came up out of his house and walked to the front of the gate.

He shut the gate behind and everything went quiet. I didn't hear any talking at all. Then, he suddenly walked back through the gate with a bloodied nose and cuts all over his body. I was alarmed, jumping ahead of everybody to see what was wrong.

"Listen up! The lady at this front gate is looking for a White Stone! We've talked about this before, so this is my time now!" Zeal shouted out. Did the girl change her mind? I wasn't sure what was going on right now, but I don't have a good feeling about it.

Now was the time I turned all of his people on him... even as the words started to come from my mouth, I never understood what pushed him to trust me and to lie to his people like that.

"He's a liar! That girl never wanted him... she wanted me." I said. I stepped up onto a high point in the village, looking down at everybody around me. Alba's face stood dormant, but everybody else's had changed.

"What are you talking about? Then why would Zeal say that to us?" Alba shouted out. She was asking me questions to lead this speech on... Zeal did plan everything out.

"Because he wanted to get down to Earth, no matter what it took! He told me about how he wanted to be selfish and take my spot for going down to Earth just to get away from you guys and fulfill his dream! Your leader doesn't care about you one bit!" I shouted out again. The chatter from the crowd started to get louder and louder, staring off to Zeal.

They demanded answers, they had angry looks, accusing Zeal of being a selfish piece of shit. They shouted terrible things at him, but the shouts became deafening when he looked at me.

His eyes looked dead, but they had the look of 'I told you so' as he looked back upon everybody else.

It all started to make sense now. The people so close to Zeal for four years had immediately turned on him, not even doubting the situation. The vile creatures mobbed together yelling at Zeal had no sensible thinking... they only had hatred.

What an ugly species they were. Zeal talked about how they were under us, but I couldn't have imagined that he was this correct about it.

They shouted horrible things, wishing death upon Zeal for his wishes, but he only smiled some more.

I couldn't even stand watching them anymore. Such disloyal beings... could they even be called friends?

"I get it! You all want me dead... but that won't matter at all once I get to Earth and you guys suffer here. See ya later!" Zeal said, pushing past the gate. The screaming got even louder.

"Unbelievable! We'll kill you for that Zeal!" I shouted out. Some shouting stopped, and others continued and disregarded me. Capturing Moonlight's attention was enough to boost my confidence a lot.

"Are we just going to sit here and let his betrayal slide? I don't know about you guys, but I, for one, plan on enacting revenge. Zeal will NOT get away with this... as an actual loyal White Stone, I have no problem killing him." I said. More people began to listen to me now, with only a minority of the people continuing their onslaught of words toward Zeal.

"These people are tired of your manipulation! We will not rest until we kill you Zeal! You piece of shit!" I falsely shouted. They were so easily manipulated when I shouted.

Zeal was right yet again. They were so obedient to those with the White Stone. I viewed my speech as uncomfortable, weird, and hard to listen to... yet they did it so easily. They looked to someone to depend on as their rage blinded them.

Sometimes I even thought that this was all one big elaborate prank, but the looks on their faces, even if foreign to my new mind, were genuinely angry.

"I'm sorry for that joke of a White Stone you've been dealing with all this time... but I'm here now," I told them all. The way they rallied together... Zeal had a strong force this entire time, why would he drop them like this?

"We've been waiting a while to get that bastard out of the lead!" Some guy said. It helped a lot in rationalizing why everybody was so willing to get rid of him.

"See you later you piece of shit! This White Stone will do a MUCH better job than you ever did!" Moonlight said. She was even in on it, giving me more motivation to do a better job. I nodded him off and he waved as everybody shouted their last insult.

I was decently surprised that he didn't look hurt at all. I walked over to the gate and stood in front of it, listening to the shouting from the people as they cursed Zeal to hell.

From the other side of the gate, I could hear:

"Thanks for getting me out of there, Nova." Came from Zeal.

"No problem. Let's get you back to Earth, Zeal." Nova said.