
We left the room and gathered with Boo on the outside, who just ignored what just happened. I decided to pass through it as well and run back to Illya as well, who was already leaving.

"Hey, let's go get ready for this mission. Boo, should I go gather Shike and the others?" I asked her. She nodded, crossing her arms and looking at the ground.

I walked out of the awkward atmosphere and returned to the field, where Shike and the others were all gathered around. Belle, Alexia, and Mitra were sitting against some benches while Naomi, Eo, and Myth were sitting on the benches. Shike was standing and looking out toward the entrance of MTG.

"Hey, good news. We won't be seeing any more of Zach... and my Mom is sending us on a mission to Rubeki territory. Are you guys ready to go?" I asked them.

"So soon? I guess we are. What happened with Zach?" Shike asked me. I dragged my finger across my throat, explaining that Mom had killed him for exiling me.

"About time. We all said we wanted to do it, but I didn't think Miss Ali would have actually done it. Good for her. Well, I guess now is better than never. Guys, are you ready?" Shike asked everybody again. He seemed to be their guidance by now. I was proud of him for that.

We all sat by the entrance until Boo and Illya came around and we decided it was time to head out into Rubeki territory once more. To stir up a conversation, considering it was getting quieter and quieter ever since Illya and Boo showed up, I decided to start some small talk.

"You know, while Illya and I were out in Rubeki territory, we discovered a lot of the land, so I have no idea where we're going. Isn't that interesting?" I asked.

We walked down the paved road toward the bridge that led off into Rubeki territory and everybody started to finally cheer up and talk, speaking their minds about several issues, but Shike stood silent. I was confused but figured I probably shouldn't push about the issue too much.

"Sky, when you were out in Rubeki territory, what was the scariest thing you had seen?" Alexia asked me.

"Oh, that's a good question. You know, Illya and I ran into a Rubeki that mimicked me. It fought with my same style, but it didn't have my powers. If it did, I'm not sure I could've taken it out." I explained to her.

We made it through the pavement and hit the walls blocking the Rubeki territory from Human territory. Alexia was still pestering me, which I didn't mind at all. I enjoyed talking about my... vacation.

"So, it wasn't even a strange beast at all? That's crazy! To think, the scariest thing in Rubeki territory was yourself!" Alexia said with a slight laugh.

"Miss Asterio said it would be over there... that cave? Have you guys been in that?" Boo asked Illya and me while pointing to a map.

"No, was that even there earlier today?" I asked Illya. She shook her head in a confused state at the cliff. She was squinting her eyes, trying to see what was inside.

"I see a person in there. Is that the one we're supposed to investigate?" I asked Boo.

"You see somebody? From what angle?" Belle asked, trying to move her head in the same direction I was looking. She got up in my personal space and almost knocked me over.

"I can't actually see them, but my strand ability allows me to see them through the cliff. I outline my surroundings in strands and examine all. It looks like a little kid, sort of." I said to everybody.

"Oh... I guess we haven't seen the full scope of your abilities yet. That's pretty impressive!" Shike told me. I rubbed the back of my head as I felt my cheeks get hot with embarrassment.

The cave made in less than a day looked to be one big mound of dirt with a hole carved out of the front. It was so weakly packed that when the wind blew, it threw the dirt everywhere around us like it was dust.

"So, we just walk up here? Should we be careful?" Mitra asked everybody as we drew closer to the cave entrance.

"We could do that. Or... HEY! YOU IN THERE!" Illya screamed out loudly toward the little kid in the cave.

Slowly but surely, through the shadows the sun created, we made out the image of a kid with dirtied knees and elbows slowly walking out while trying to defend himself.

Belle bent down to his level and greeted him kindly.

"Hi, there! Are you lost? What are you doing in here?" Belle asked the kid.

"Yeah! I lost my parents and I was exiled... I've been in here for a week now, do you guys have any food at all?" He asked with a kind smile.

Everything in the back of my head was yelling at me to kill the kid.

It was the weirdest impulse I've ever had. The most violent one as well. I couldn't even look at him without my eye twitching. Something about him was making me itch all over my body and forgetting to swallow my saliva. I turned my head and walked down the dirt mound while tightly gripping my arm, squeezing it every time I felt that impulse.

It was like a loud echo bouncing around in my head that I couldn't shut up. I was mortally terrified of the idea of killing this kid, but my mind couldn't escape from the thought.

"Sky, are you alright?" Boo yelled down at me. I nodded my head and squeezed my arm even tighter.

I tried to focus as hard as possible on the floor... but I heard yelling.

I turned back to everybody, but nobody was yelling at all... then who was I hearing? What was going on?

I thought I heard my name...

The thought finally escaped my mind and I took a few deep breaths, just like Illya taught me before returning up to where the kid was standing.

"We'll take you to go get food, and maybe we can find your parents. Are you in MTG?" Boo asked the kid.

"No, I'm from further out..." He mumbled.

"What's your name? Your full name, preferably." Boo asked him.

"I can't remember my last name right now... but I'm Rui. What about you?" Rui asked Boo again.

"I'm Boo, that's Mitra, Myth, Naomi, Eo, Shike, Belle, Alexia, Illya, and Sky. It's nice to meet you, Rui." Boo said to him with a smile.

"Hi, there everybody! I hope it's not an issue that you're taking care of me..." Rui mumbled again, but it wasn't even an issue. I almost offered to carry him, but Shike beat me to the punch and offered to give him a piggyback ride. Rui happily accepted and we started walking down the dirt mound again. I guess this mission was over... but that was almost too simple. It took longer to walk here than it did to receive our package... but I guess as long as I didn't have to exert myself so hard, I couldn't complain about it.