The Sanctuary Side-Story (8/17)

"Kire. That's my name. I don't remember seeing you either... do you live around here?" I asked Genesis.

Shit, this isn't good! I don't want to be near him, let alone have him know that I live in that base behind me!

"Well, sort of. I'm further inward, rather than on this beach. Do you have a home around here?" Genesis asked me. He followed me as I walked closer to the city.

Shit... what do I tell him?

I could bring him to our home, and maybe our people could handle him, possibly even taking him out and leaving Nova without worry... or... I could bring him to the new people on the beach...

Dammit, what's the right decision here?!

"Well, if I were you, I'd be honest and bring me back to that cliffside base," Genesis said...

Did he just read my mind?!

"Yeah, I did, no problem. So, where do you want to bring me?" Genesis asked.

He flaunted his black robe and pushed his short, brown hair back as well. I never got to look at his appearance, but he had the same color eyes that Nova did.

"There's no escaping you, is there?" I asked Genesis, to which he shook his head with a straight face.

"There's nothing to escape from. I'm not here to fight, I'm merely here to learn." He told me.

I nodded, and slowly stepped backward. Could I really trust him? Well, it's not like I can think of it, considering he can read my mind.

There really is no escaping this...

I turned around, walking up to the base.

Of course, there was nobody on guard, so I opened the gate, held it for Genesis, and let him into my home.

People looked at him like he was an enemy, which was justified, and he looked all around with a straight face.

"So many terrible thoughts. Such ruthless people." Genesis commented.

He stopped right in the middle of the base. We had a dirt path that connected all houses, and further beyond those paths on each respective side of the base, stood our barracks, and scout buildings. Nobody noticed Genesis, because all of our guards and scouts were apparently just hiding.

How's that for punishment?

"Uncooperative people? Your scouts, and guards? It's a shame, isn't it? I don't know where you stand in this village, but I can fix that problem for you." Genesis told me.

"You know, that kind of worries me when you say that. That's why I was so hesitant to let you in here." I told Genesis, but he only chuckled and shrugged.

"I guess you'd be right to be on your guard." He told me, following close behind me.

"So, will you bring me to Nova? Or will you listen to my requests on your own? How selfless are you really?" Genesis asked me.

It was no use even thinking about it, I just had to say whatever I was thinking, otherwise, Genesis would know I was lying.

"Well, I would prefer to handle you on my own. I think leading you to Nova will only cause unrest within her, and the other people in the city." I told Genesis.

"Wow, you truly are a good man in and out. May I ask why you are trying to protect Nova from me? Is it you who's afraid of me? Or is it Nova?" He asked me.

"Frankly, it's both of us, and I can hardly see how you interacting with Nova would be beneficial... at all," I told Genesis.

"I could have something you might want, something that could let you protect your family... Inora and Ra, is it?" Genesis asked me.

Shit, I only thought about them for a second and Genesis was able to get their names out of me...

"Oh yeah? Are you sure I would want them?" I asked Genesis again, and he nodded.

Genesis raised his hand and as if plant twine was swirling in his hands, the thin material started to form the shape of a diamond.

"These are strands. This is what I use to read minds and to be so powerful in other regards I haven't explained yet. If you had these in your body as Nova does, you could be quite the soldier." Genesis told me.

I sat, dumbfounded for a moment.

"Like... Nova has? Nova has those things?" I asked him.

"She didn't tell you? Of course, Nova has strands as I do. That's why she fears me because she doesn't want to meet me. Do you get it now?" He asked me again.

"Not really. I just don't think she wants to see you because you seem like an infinite amount of trouble. So, why are you still following me?" I asked him.

"Well, I'm here to convince you to take these strands." He told me.

"Oh yeah? Then why are you so desperate to see Nova? I don't think that's your only goal." I told Genesis, but he shook his head.

"Well, I wanted to say hi to Nova, but instead, I got caught up with you, so it ends up perfectly So, will you take them?" Genesis asked me again. Why was he being so persistent about this?

"What will they do to me? Do they hurt? Will they put anybody in danger?" I continued my onslaught of questions, but Genesis was unimpressed with all of them, answering my questions and clearing up my suspicions.

"And, I can trust you? Can you prove they do nothing to you?" I asked him one last time.

That's when Genesis stopped and pointed back toward the entrance of the gate.

"Nova gave this all to you, I read your mind to see where this all came from, and I'm impressed. She was the first person I had seen to wake up and not be cautious of me, so I gifted her with the strands I possess right now. She's had them all this time, and yet, she hasn't had any trouble, has she?" Genesis asked me.

"I guess not, but sorry, I still can't accept. I'm not meant to be a fighter. I've recently become a father, as you know, and my days of fighting are over. I'm just here to live and raise my child." I told him.

Genesis wasn't pleased with that answer.

"That won't do... I really need you to take these. See, you're pretty important, you know?" Genesis explained to me.