The Sanctuary Side-Story (10/17)


--Kire's Perspective--

---October 4th, 2427---

It's been a while.

Ever since Genesis's appearance, things have been getting worse.

I never agreed to his offer, yet strands have been flowing in my body ever since his arrival and I spit up blood.

I can't control them, and I refuse to use them, which luckily works 100% of the time, but it still is the worst knowing that they're within me.

Things are getting really bad, almost hitting the peak of the quality.

Nova hasn't been keeping track of things on that paper that she once used that day, she's been hiding in her room this entire time, and all contact is refused unless we come with food to her house. And even then, she only takes the food, and then continues to hide.

It was my job to deliver it today, so I grabbed the food that Inora made, and delivered it with a smile to her front door.

However, when I knocked on her door, it pushed itself open.

I stood on the deck of her house and just stared inside for a moment before I realized what I was looking at.

Nova's appearance had slightly changed. Her hair was untamed and longer. Her eyes were dull, no longer shining with the bright color she used to have, and her staff was tied to her back, dragging it on the floor no matter where she walked.

"Come." She told me. I was confused by her request but slowly walked inside, realizing this could be an opportunity to come and see her.

"I've been worried about you. Every day is more uncertain, but now that I can finally see you, maybe things will change. First off, are you alright? Can I do anything to help you?" I asked her.

Nova took the food out of my hand and set it on the table, then wrapped her arms around my body, leaving the side of her face to lie on my chest.

"I can't stop thinking of killing him." She told me.

Ah, she was still thinking of Genesis.

"It's fine, he hasn't returned, and it's all over now. I'm sure that if we tidy up in here and you come out to give one of your speeches to the city again, we'll all be okay and we can continue to live as we did before." I told her.

However, she shook her head and pushed herself away from me.

"You don't understand. I can't stop thinking of killing him. Or him. Or him... or you." She muttered.

I was shocked, slowly stepping backward as she pointed outside of her window to random people walking on the street.

"You're thinking of killing us? You're not acting on those impulses... which prove that's all they are. Why don't we settle down and put down the staff? I can help you, Nova. You don't have to deal with this alone." I told her.

"The strands... they acted against each other. They've been stirring. I don't sleep, I don't eat as much as I should, and I can't stop thinking of killing people... and it didn't start until I met Genesis again... it's his fault..." She completely ignored my question and sat down at her kitchen table, staring at the food on the plate.

"I'm sorry... he gave me strands as well. I couldn't avoid it. I'm against this idea, in all honesty, but it seems like it might be necessary. Why don't we work together? We can stop Genesis, you know? If we kill him, would your mind be satisfied?" I asked Nova.

I was against the idea of killing people completely. I believed everybody deserved a second chance, but if Nova was going to jeopardize the lives of the people within the walls, then Genesis, in all of his wicked ways, would have to die.

Without missing a beat, Nova looked up to me one more time with her dull, red eyes.

"I don't even know if that would help. However, I am always willing to try." Nova said. Her eyes lit up a little bit... I was impressed, all she was thinking about was killing Genesis.

"You don't understand, of course, all I'm doing is thinking about killing him. He's dangerous, and doesn't deserve his life." Nova told me... after reading my mind.

Don't tell me... she can do that now?

"Nova, I didn't say anything out loud. How did you know what I was thinking?" I asked her.

"Yes, you did. You said that out loud. Now isn't the time for jokes, Kire." She told me. I stood silent for a bit and thought about the food on the table.

Still untouched...

"I don't feel like eating right now." Nova told me.

Again, I didn't say anything, yet she read my mind...

"I won't go anywhere until you neaten up your hair and eat that entire plate of food. After that, I'll ask our guards if they can escort you until we find Genesis, and then we can take action from there. Killing him might not be the best idea." I told her, but she disagreed.

"No, I won't eat unless we can kill him." She responded to me, grabbing the fork I brought with me and sticking the prongs straight through the wooden table.

The amount of strength she would've needed for that... impressive...

"Fine, then eat to your hearts content. As long as you're eating something." I told her. Nova nodded, took the fork out, and started to eat.

"You shouldn't worry about killing, Kire. You won't have to do it, and this will help the world. This is all for the sake of the world and my society." Nova said.

I found her word choice interesting. It was no longer our society, it was 'her society'.

Nova is becoming... something terrifying.

"I'm done." She said after thirty seconds. I refused to believe her, but looking at her completely cleared plate, she wasn't lying... she ate all of that food like it was nothing...