Shike And Boo VS Queen Ultima

At first, Ultima paused to look at us one more time.

Before I could perceive the thought of Boo moving, she used her ability and moved at the speed of light, coming up onto the right side of Ultima's body.

And she was blocked.

Ultima didn't even turn her head toward Boo.

Fear filled Boo's eyes and Ultima twisted her staff, slamming into Boo's side and pushing her back twenty feet.

"What the hell?! You can see me?!" Boo shouted out.

Wait a minute...

Why did I forget? Not even Ruby or Umbra could land a hit on Ultima, why would that be different?

I thought because Boo could move that it would be different... but that much hasn't changed obviously. Was it the mind-reading that made it hard for us to land a hit? No, that couldn't be it... the White Stone?

"Of course, I can see you no matter where you go. I don't blame you that it's confusing to figure out, but I do want you to think about it a little. Why can I see you?" Ultima asked, moving closer to me.

"You don't want to fight?" She asked me.

"No, you don't want that," I corrected her, coming in with an obvious attack toward the right side of her body.

Ultima blocked it and shoved the butt-end of her staff into my stomach, to which I absorbed the energy, and launched it from underneath me.

It created a burst of wind that caused her to brace her footing, and I went in again with my short sword.

I slice downward, but it only deflected off of the edge of her staff. Every time she hit me, I absorbed the energy and released it while striking at her. She deflected it with no issue every time, and when I had downtime to absorb the energy of attacks, Boo came in with her speed. In conjunction with both Boo and I attacking Ultima at once, she blocked everything and even landed hits on Boo.

"You're going to come into my city, antagonize me, and suck this bad? Oh come on, you guys wasted your time," Ultima said.

This angered Boo, which caused a frenzy of fast attacks.

They were so quick that dust was being kicked up... but Ultima was still unscathed. She blocked everything perfectly, kicking Boo back and slamming her staff into her katana.

I jumped in where I could, slicing up and down, but Ultima twisted her body in such a way that my attempts didn't work.

I jumped in front of Boo's attacks to absorb them and unleash even more power onto Ultima, but she countered too easily for us to even put a dent into her weapon.

Boo deactivated her ability and jumped down by my side with her katana in hand. She was panting heavily but smiled.

"So be it, we're outmatched, but you know who we can beat?" Boo asked me, looking toward her guards.

"Boo, have you noticed that she's kept her back toward that big tower?" I asked her. I took her attention away from unnecessary death and pointed it toward our objective.

"What about it? We haven't gotten her to turn around, that's all," She said, but I shook my head.

"No, Boo. She's defending it. She knows our goal is to get into the Tower... I have an idea, and you need to do that insane speed thing to get my ability to do what it needs to," I told her.

She nodded and sheathed her katana on the loose scabbard hanging off of her back.

"I promise you, whatever you think you're about to do, you won't be able to," Ultima said, holding her staff in a unique position.

That's right, I didn't know the extent of her powers... but learning them would be crucial to beating her one day.

The bright White Light started to shine from Boo's stone, and she focused her eyes.

Feathers made of flames appeared on her back and her entire persona became ignited in flames. Her appearance started to change into what resembled Mitra's, and she nodded toward me.

I ran at Ultima blindly with no weapon in my hand, absorbed the hit from her staff, and launched it toward the ground.

The force of the impact caused me to launch even higher into the air, about ten feet above Ultima.

Boo kicked me in the stomach with her heel and I absorbed every last bit of the impact. It made me blackout, but it would be worth it!

Right after the initial kick, Boo moved so fast that she regularly kicked me again and launched me toward the Tower it looked like Ultima was defending.

The pure look of malice on her face as I passed her and fulfilled my goal brought a smile to my face.

I pulled my fist back right as I was about to make contact with the tower, and released the kinetic energy, plus some more I had been saving.

When my fist hit the tower, the entire thing, including the wall, cracked all the way up the length of it. It sent a shockwave out that ruptured the trees, windows, and everything surrounding our position.

I fell to the floor and absorbed the energy on my way down, watching Boo's appearance shift back into her old one.

Ultima stood unfazed with her staff in hand and her head down, hiding her gloomy eyes.

Her guards were gone, and the citizens were blown away as well, leaving only her in the center of a large, dust-filled arena.

"Are they in there? Should we hit it again?" I asked Ultima.

She didn't look up, she only chuckled a little more.

Boo tried to hit her again, but instead of using her staff, Ultima grabbed onto her wrist and turned her left hand to dust as she squeezed.

With an unavoidably surprised look on her face, Boo retreated backward while holding her left arm, which was now missing the left hand on it.

"Should you hit it again? Hit what again?" Ultima asked me.

I looked dumbfounded, and pointed at the Tower I just hit.

But when I turned to look at it... nothing was there...