Epilogue VI

--Sky's Perspective--

---March 27th, 2446---

I placed the final pile of dirt into the ground, marking the last grave for Mom and Dad. I picked up some nearby flowers to put on their gravestones, staring deeply into the ground.

There were no bodies there... no ashes, nothing. There was nothing to symbolize that Mom and Dad were even here... but I finally felt at peace with what has happened. It's been a month since they died, almost two at this point...

Every day, I woke up, telling myself that rage will no longer consume me. It cannot touch me. I've better than that. I'm sorry Mom, for not understanding that. Thank you for teaching me that lesson.

And Dad... I want to inhabit all of your good traits and make them even better. I didn't see the fight with Providence, but from what I heard, you went all out, you saved Mom when it mattered the most, and you were... no, you are a hero to all of MTG. No matter if they're dead or alive, fake or real, you became their hero at that moment. I understand you had to sacrifice yourself to beat Providence... but I wish I could just hear your voice one more time.

It's been tough down on Earth, you know? Every day I get up, and I tell myself the same thing. Do not let the rage consume you. I'm treated like shit down here, stared at like I'm a monster, but I haven't done anything... nothing I haven't needed to do. I'm a victim of this world, or so I thought.

I was given the strength to do good with it. Some people just don't get that. Some people will never get that.

I try to be their Hero. I stopped Quake from attacking... I tried my best this entire time, yet people just don't get it. How can I be the Hero who saves the village while I'm simultaneously the villain who ruined their lives? What is the balance? How do I work to get that balance?

I... don't know... and I don't think I care...

My Wrath, I've always wondered about it, but I can never come to a conclusion. Why do I feel angry? Is it because I'm weak? Is it because they're too strong? I'm fourteen, almost fifteen now... and I wonder to this day, this exact moment...

Am I good enough? Am I good enough for anybody?

Am I strong enough? Am I fast enough? Am I smart enough?

Mom... Dad... Quake will not destroy the life you gave me. I will not be consumed by rage, but I hope in the case that I am, you will see that it's for the best.

I still have one trick up my sleeve... but I plan to stay away from it for as long as possible, until absolutely necessary.

Quake will not survive me.





The Sixth Epilogue! What a journey! This Volume was a little scattered, no? Ultima Tower was the central focus for the first part, but soon waned away as the Purpose of Ultima Tower was revealed to the reader. I hope that it was adequate and that everybody enjoyed Charlie's perspective.

Perhaps one of my favorite character developments and duos to write about in the Incarnation Saga has been Charlie and Charlotte, two souls who have their fair share of suffering but are strong enough to prevail. And, as for that last teaser with Quake and Sky, what is going on?

What does it mean that Sky Asterio is reawakening? Can he do that?

The most intense Volume I've ever written is coming up, filled with fighting to the brim, top to bottom, in and out. This will be the first Major Conflict in the Incarnation Saga, and one that will have lasting effects until this story is over.

Welcome to the Seventh Volume of Survival Evolved: Incarnation.

--Survival Evolved Incarnation: Arkians VS Quake--