
"It just doesn't make sense to me... you'd throw it all away, on a whim. Who's to say that Quake won't fall in the next few seconds? Who's to say you're running over to a standing bunker? Who's to say your life isn't in danger the second you stay outside of these walls?" Lia asked next. She was urgently trying to convince Ra, and Kire started to change his gaze from my hand to my eyes.

"Careful, Goddess of Wrath, if you keep my son here, you'll be my enemy. Nobody will take him from me again," Kire told me, summoning a saber in his hand.

"You aren't in danger in Zealous. You can go to the bunker with the rest of the people, and wait until we can work together to complete our common goal. If you work without patience, you will be killed by Nova, and Genesis, I'm sure of it," I told him. Ra started to slowly walk backward.

I was stuck at a crossroads, waiting to see if Kire would make a move, and also waiting to see if Ra would just start to run. Either way, I was split two ways.

"Don't... you don't want to do this," I told Ra. He looked back, and Kire took a step forward.

"Alright, let's calm down now," Lia said. She put her hand up and grabbed her dagger with her other.

"You're overcomplicating things by trying to leave. We're not asking you to die, we're asking you to stay," Fudo said. He was starting to move forward as well, attempting to defuse the intense atmosphere.

"I'm not staying in a city with The Asterio in it. It's already dangerous enough. I'm taking my son, and leaving," Kire said, looking toward me next.

"I can't let you do that," I told him, priming my ability.

"So be it then, you were a fun conversationalist, Goddess of Wrath," Kire said. His eyes started to turn a bright red, and Ra was about to take off, before a rumble in the ground shook us off balance, almost to the point of falling to the ground.

"Now now! Let's not get too hasty, shall we folks? Kire, why don't we chill out for a moment, and try and see if there's another solution to this problem we all share," I heard from above me.

From the top layer of the bunker's entrance, Umbra jumped down with shiny, golden gauntlets that connected a stone on her left hand to her elbow, and she punched her gauntlets together again, collapsing the gate on itself, and trapping Ra inside of Zealous with us.

"We shouldn't make any decisions without the one who calls all the shots, should we?" Ruby asked next. She was clad in a silver shield on her right arm, with her arms crossed, looking at both Kire and Ra.

"I take it you're the leader of this hellhole?" Kire asked. He wasn't attacking yet and didn't even notice I was moving toward Lia to escape.

"I only have you to thank for making it a hellhole. I heard you talking about Sky Asterio with such a demeaning name," Ruby said, and Kire immediately scoffed, breaking into laughter.

"Haha! You've even fallen into his spell... oh, I suppose all around him eventually do, don't they? Tell you what, let's strike a deal, you let me leave, and I'll leave you alive?" Kire asked.

Umbra laughed in the back, walking right beside Ruby, and shook her head.

"You're in no room to negotiate. You will do what we say," Umbra said in a short tone.

"Look, Orangie, I'm not too concerned with your threats. I have no worries about pushing through both of you. Step aside, before you lovely ladies get yourselves hurt," Kire said.

I couldn't help but chuckle, knowing that Kire had no idea who he was talking to.

"Oh, shucks, he's right, Ruby. We might get hurt if we fight here, won't we? That's really unfortunate," Umbra said. She tilted her body toward Ruby and then gave Kire a side-eye that reminded me of Sky's.

"You should know too, Orangie, that staying in the company of The Asterio only brings misfortune, blood, and death. It's how it worked in the past, and how it's worked with every Asterio I've ever known. It would be a shame to see you fall from grace just as easily as everybody else did," Kire replied.

"I was there, four-hundred years ago. I was one of the last people beside Sky as he took his last breaths. Avie, Hikari, and I protected his body until he was able to be resurrected by Illya Asterio, and I'm part of the reason he's still alive. Do you know those two names? Avie and Hikari?" Umbra asked Kire.

I still didn't know everything from Umbra myself... so I was just as baffled to learn more about the past from her.

"Of course, I know them. Hikari is the one who took my son away, and Genesis, her owner, killed my wife. I will stop at nothing to kill the both of them," Kire said, and that's when I could smell the fight beginning from that point on.

"You're going to kill Hikari Asterio? Sister of Umbra Asterio...? That's ridiculous, isn't it, Ruby? I feel really bad for what I feel like I have to do..." Umbra said, locking in the side-eye toward Kire, and lightly flicking her finger toward him.

The wind pressure exerted from that strike alone shot both Ra and Kire into the back wall. They coughed up blood as the ground cracked underneath Umbra, and shot a path toward the two.

"Us Sisters have done some pretty awful things... they were very gruesome, as we became Assassins who Avenged Sky Asterio, and we vowed to do whatever necessary to protect each other. If Hikari has fallen from grace, Avie and I will support her, so when you told me you want to kill her, I decided..." Umbra paused, and her eyes lit up in an Orange fury, covered in equally orange flames around her face.

"I'm going to kill you," She said.