
--Sky's Perspective--

When I ran back after hearing about Cole from Alexia, Dani was holding Cole at a distance with her own golden saber.

"Providence is your mom, huh?" I asked him. It filled me with rage hearing that, knowing that Mom died without wiping out that entire family. I'd have to finish the job accordingly.

"Huh? She had another kid? Where were you in The First Trial...?" Dani asked. She stood adjacent to me now as Cole waited around ten feet away. We could probably kill him here, and finish off Quake for good.

"I wasn't. I was never her kid from The First Trial, that was Buusu. She could never get me into The First Trial like she could Providia, because I wasn't reincarnated then," Cole admitted. Now, he was leaking out a ton of information. I was curious, but Avie was itching at the bit to put a hole in his head.

"Sky... let me loose... I can kill him..." Avie muttered into my head. I held her back for the time being. This information was invaluable to me, and extremely important because it carries Mom's legacy in a way.

"Reincarnated then? What, did you wake up on a beach too?" Dani asked him. She held the handle to her saber at her righthand side, while mine was on the left. This would be our first fight together... I wonder if we had the collaborative potential to do well here.

"Wake up on a beach? No, I'm not like you, Goddess of Wrath. I was reincarnated in Overlord Eirikr's ranks. I was put through a lot, and then a little more. Until, I became the Pure Achamo needed to rival the Pure Asterio. Our personal vendetta's for each other didn't just start the day you met me, Asterio, it started the day you killed my sister," Cole told me.

"It seems I killed a lot of you, huh? Well... I know myself, Cole. I know that I wouldn't kill unprovoked, so if I killed your sister, maybe you were to blame?" I asked him.

The large mace swung widely at Dani and I. Before the spikes on the mace could connect with me, Dani forced it down with her ability to manipulate gravity.

The Retriever was next, running in toward me. I let Avie take over, and as my ears went pointy and vision went darker, tunneling in on Cole, he perfectly dodged her attack this time as his eyes turned black.

Eye of Providence?! No... it couldn't see Avie before, why can it see her now?!

Avie stopped and looked back on Cole. More of my hair started to turn blue, growing longer in length, and pushing itself into my eyes. Avie's eyes, normally a bright blue, was now darkened, more like the dullest blue of any ocean.

"Surprised, Avie? You hit me with that before, but now not even you can beat out the speed of my reaction time. That's the Pure Achamo in me, sweetheart. The reaction time I now have and The Retriever in my grasp...? Can you hit me?" Cole asked Avie.

"Avie, switch back with me, you can't handle it, not yet, let's strategize a little more," I told her. She refused, and went in six more times.

Cole was only barely scratched, but the fact he was scratched meant a lot. He could be hit, but with his infinite healing... we would run out of stamina before putting in a big enough dent.

Cole went to attack with both of his weapons, but was stopped in place due to Dani's ability yet again. Avie didn't realize it at first, as her tunnel vision was debilitating to her observational skills, and once she noticed what was going on, the tunnel vision turned off and she burst in toward Cole.

She impaled him right in the chest with the Mahina Blade. Cole couldn't regenerate, as the Mahina Blade cut through strands, and Avie slashed upward through his head, cutting it in half with the help of Dani.

He fell over simply and violently. I knew it wasn't over, but a sense of accomplishment was present in Avie's mind before she handed my body back over.

"I'm really, really curious... why do you keep attacking me, if you know it is pointless?" Cole asked. I figured, he was still alive. He was regenerating as he spoke.

"You seem to know a lot about Sky, I'm sure you know how bad things get and how easily they're conquered in the end, right? I have the same question for you, Cole. Do you think that your healing will best our abilities, together?" Dani asked.

She was right, after everything that had happened to the two of us. Dani taking up the Goddess of Wrath Mantle and Mom's ability to manipulate gravity, she has been growing alongside me. I would argue that it was even at the same rate.

Now, as my equal, Dani and I could take on Cole. Maybe even separately. If Dani didn't have her limit with the Goddess of Wrath state, I would also argue that she's even stronger than I am. After all, what is my strength without Avie? To me, it seemed like Avie was the key to beating Cole today.

"I'm well aware of Sky Asterio's feats. He was quite the remarkable man back then, but when he wiped out the Achamo family so he could stand at the top, it made me consider the truth of your limits, the truth of your abilities. Are you faking it? Are you worried about the Achamo potential? We're taught from birth to hunt Asterios, and to beat them out of their standings," Cole said.

That information was synonymous with what Boo told me... Providence taught her that, so maybe Providence also taught Cole that all that time ago.

"I apologize for before, Cole, but I don't take it back. I know myself, I know that the only reason I killed anybody back then is because I felt compelled to, just like I do now," I told him.

"Yeah... that logic can only hold up for so long before you become a murderer, Asterio," Cole bluntly said. That got me thinking a lot, but I refused the thoughts and readied my weaponry once more.