Strandless Asterio

Their methods of fighting were unrefined messes of violence and anger. Maestro played his instrument loudly from the back as Finlis and Bruno felt themselves expand in power. Seano, in the mean time, started to throw weapons all over the icy field, allowing Finlis and Bruno to attack with them. Unfortunately, this allowed Sky to stand his ground as well.

Finlis ran in first with three daggers, two in his hands and one in his mouth. He threw each and every one toward Sky, but he was able to catch the first, knock away the others, and went head-to-head with Seano.

Seano cocked his arm back, preparing to swing straight down on Sky with a large hammer. Sky shattered the dagger and cut the hammer in half, kicking the handle into Seano's chest and knocking him backward.

Right over Seano's collapsed body, Finlis ran in, unhinging his jaw to reveal the body-horror he inflicted upon himself by constructing his razor sharp teeth. While unhinging his jaw, Finlis was absolutely sure that Sky would use his Gaze of Wrath. Finlis knew each and every one of his techniques through the decipher on Faith he performed. He knew all about Sky.

The Gaze of Wrath, infused with Asterio Strands, would be the most likely ability for Sky to use if he knew not to use Strands, as it happens when he got too angry. However, Sky looked in unassuming irritation as Finlis got closer to Sky's shoulder.

To Bruno, Maestro, Seano, Khalil, and Faith's surprise, Sky took the hit, letting Finlis rip into his shoulder. Finlis was surprised as his teeth got stuck in Sky's shoulder. He had flexed the muscles, tightening them to impede his movement.

As Sky performed the action, Seano cut Finlis in half after missing Sky's predicted path. The weapon did damage to Finlis, which surprised Faith even more. It seemed Sky had an inkling of a thought as to why somebody else had to strike Finlis.

"There we go, that's more like it," Sky muttered, kicking Finlis off of his body and letting the blood seep through his wounds viciously.

"There we go? You act as if you knew my trick," Finlis scoffed, regenerating his body through the small process of Zero.

"Do you think I didn't know your trick? Finlis Vega, I read about you. The untouchable man from four hundred years ago. Your father was a remarkable man that disrupted the overpowering grasp Asterios had on the world. What made the both of you special was that you decide which attacks do and don't do damage to you. So long as you an see the attacker. Although, you were too focused on me to look at your real attacker, weren't you?" Sky asked Finlis. 

His amount of knowledge blindsided everybody near the battlefield, including Faith and Khalil. Khalil couldn't help but smile, but Faith felt motivated to join now. With one attack, she could stop Finlis. As long as he couldn't see her, she had the ability to end his life and end her fear.

"There are parts of that you regrettably left out... but, it won't matter in a second, because although that's my ability, you haven't found out the abilities of my adversaries," Finlis told Sky with a smile. In a fraction of a second, to such a fine detail that only Faith could realize what was going on, Sky's hair warped into a pale-blonde color and his eyes grew white, quickly shifting back into his normal color palette.

"Bruno, you're just strong. You have a vague concept of a certain power I can't pinpoint. Maestro, the sound waves line up with the same frequency of Strands, allowing them to do more with less power. Seano, you are nothing but a man who can continuously produce weaponry for your teammates. And Finlis Vega... the only man here who can visualize the concept of Zero, and the only man who can do something productive with it here," Sky ended his explanation, causing the four grown men to drop their jaws in complete shock.

His analyzations skills, at first glance, seemed too accurate to just be intelligence. However, Faith knew that what he just did was use Hikari's Intelligence to understand pattern recognitions and assign an explanation to each individual person. Sky shouldn't have been able to do that on his own, unless he had Hikari stored away in his body somewhere...

"No matter! Knowing our abilities won't do shit!" Bruno shouted out. He ran in first toward Sky. His legs curved at the strong winds that blew against him, aiming for Sky's wound on his shoulder to cripple him further.

As his arm reached for Sky's shoulder, Sky lifted up his sleeve and struck his wrist with the White Stone stuck in his forearm, causing Bruno's arm to blow into nothing but red mist.

Sky grasped his neck tightly, pushing him back to make him lose his balance, and unleashed a flurry of punches on him.

Sky hit him three times in the throat in under one second, curving his fingers to amplify their aerodynamics, and then struck him in the stomach once. The strike in his stomach warped his well-defined abs around the tips of Sky's fingers, and with one more punch located underneath the base of his nose, Sky hit Bruno so hard that his brain shifted in his head, flying a hundred feet in the air above his current position.

Sky threw a dagger on the ice, spinning it like a top on the butt end of the blade, and causing Bruno to land directly onto it with his neck. It pierced his skull, ending his life instantly.

Sky stretched his arm out again, peering over to Maestro next.

"Yeah, I think I'll head for you next," Sky said. He smiled, keeping his eyes fixated on Maestro while simultaneously catching the blade from Seano's arsenal of weaponry.

"You, I meant," Sky flicked his head backward and smiled as his mother's ability activated with maximum potency, pushing Seano back on the icy ocean. Weapons scattered everywhere, leaving Finlis open to gather as many as possible as he charged toward Sky once more.