Where Did Survival Evolved Go?

Hello all. As you might have noticed, Survival Evolved: Incarnation has stopped receiving chapters. Why?

Well, on the road to becoming a full-fledged author on Amazon, I realized that there's so much more I can do with this series than the Rough Draft I propagated on Webnovel on January 22nd, 2022. 

The reason I've stopped uploading is because I feel that there's so much more to expand upon for my final draft novel series. 

Volumes One and Two are already over 160 (woah) Webnovel chapters in length, imagine how amazing it would be to keep that going and have over 1160 chapters where we're currently at?

All in all, my rough draft has been curbed because you never know what might change along the way. DO NOT expect this to be the last you hear of my series, but please enjoy what I have written so far, share what you think of it, what you think needs improvement, and what your favorite things about the novel are.

Search up "White Stone Chronicles: The First Trial" on Amazon for my final draft!

Thank you for the views, the collections, and the amazing experiences.

I shall become the Arkian who surpassed them all.
