Red Rose

So today, I am officially two people at the same time.

A few days after Archie's suggestion and mom's decision to give the female me a name, we went to the town hall with Aunt Jean as our witness and mediator.

Though I thought it wasn't necessary, they had to baptize my other self as well to register "Rose" in their public records. It's quite annoying to have something written on my forehead though.

"So, what do you feel, Rose?"

While I was wiping my forehead as Red, Aunt Jean comes to me while carrying some documents.

""Nothing much, really.""

"Well, that much can be expected from an unofficial Baptism anyway. You already received your original baptism as Red so this one is just for formalities."

""Won't that be a problem later?""

"Don't sweat the small stuff. Besides, aren't you going to attend school next week? Wouldn't it be interesting to enter classes as your "selves"?"

Because of her suggestion, I couldn't help but groan with both bodies.

And immediately, I received a flick on my ear from my back. It was mom.

"Don't groan at your aunt, young man. Also, just because there's two of you doesn't mean I'll allow one to be left at home to play video games!"

""But if there was one more at home, couldn't I help with chores?""

"Do you though?"

Mom looks at me with a doubtful expression. Yeah I don't originally help that much at home except with heavy tasks, but with this body-

"No means no, and I already had your aunt tell the school about your situation. Both of you WILL be attending school."


"That sucks, dude."

"I know." "I thought it'd be the perfect chance not to miss any game events while I'm still in school."

After the baptism and other legal procedures, I decided to go around with my other self with Archie in the mall.

Because Archie said he'd treat me, we came here in he arcade to play.

"That aside, School's next week. You think we'll be classmates again?"

Archie asks without blinking away from the screen.

"Are you not tired of seeing my face for like all our lives, dude?"

"Well for you, that may true. But for me, it's not. At least not anymore. I'm really interested in Rose."

"Don't tell me you fell in love with me. Hahaha!"

Archie looks at me with disgusted squinting eyes.

"First of all, that's disgusting. Rose may be hot but you're still a dude inside. Second, I'm curious as to how this happened. I did some research of my own about splitting bodies and none of them is like this. It may be some new form of magic, that's what I'm interested in."

"I was just joking." "Chill dude."

Archie lifts his hands away from the console after it said "Win" on his screen and then ate the food on the table.

Because my male self had drank too much water, I rushed to the comfort room and stayed only as Rose with Archie.

"Still though, what's the deal with those tits of yours? You're quite the short stack."

Looking at where his eyes are locked on, they're gazing hard at my cleavage. Well, it's not like I don't understand him, I'm a dude after all.

"They look nice and all, but in reality, they're a huge pain in the back and shoulders."

"Must be tricky trying to wear a bra wasn't it?

"It was torture. Mom insisted I wear it solo and not with both bodies. I mean, I can't see from my back!"

"I see..."

Despite what he said earlier about not liking me, he's still interested in this body. I guess I can understand women a bit now.

Even so, I think I'll give this guy some treat. I mean, he's curious. Might as well give the questions in his head some answers.

"There aren't that much people around."


Before he could react, I grabbed his left wrist and push his hand it on my chest.

As expected, this body really doesn't feel anything. But Archie however, looks like he felt something.

He froze, and the temperature on his hand dropped like water turned into ice.

It was plain as day that his reaction was of a Virgin's.

When he noticed the smug on my face, he immediately pulls away his hand. His cheeks were red his whole body was shaken.

"What the fuck dude?!"

"Oh come on, don't tell me you didn't like it. Hahahaha!"

"Why would I like it? You caught me off guard!"

The other me returned and sat in front of the console to play while also giggling.

""This is why you're still a virgin, dude. You get cold feet when touching a woman.""

"I told you! I'm not a virgin! Stop calling me that!"

""Yeah, right.""

Since Archie looks like he's about to blow a fuse, I stopped teasing him and put my attention to the game and the crowd passing by.

I glanced at Archie as Rose. When I saw that he finally calmed down, it made me feel at ease as well.

"By the way, have you two made up?"

Out of nowhere, Archie throws me a question. Though he didn't specifically say a name, I fully know who he means.

"Why bring that up all of a sudden?"

"Oh come on, it's pretty obvious that it's still in your mind. I understand that it's not your fault. In the first place, that whole thing was dumb."

"So you do get it."

"Yeah, I get it, and I also get the fact that you're dumb stubborn to forgive Elena."

Because of what he said, I couldn't help but accidentally crush the plastic cup on my hand and lost focus on the game.

""Well if she didn't insulted me, I would have!""

When I turned to his way, he just looks at me like I just said something dumb.

"You know she didn't, and that pride of yours is not letting you admit that you also made a mistake."

I want to refute it, but for some reason, my head just can't come up with any words to deny it.

"Your mom said that it's dumb for you to have that much pride when you're still 17."

"So you told mom about it, huh."

"No, she kinda knew about it from the start. She's much more perceptive than you think."

I always had it in mind. What Elena did was dumb, but me lashing out on her about it was also dumb. Even so, what she did was not something I can easily forgive as well.

"You aside, I heard Elena just received a marriage proposal from a noble from a Knight Lineage."

"Why should I care?"

Archie gets taken aback by my reply and looks at Rose.

"Dude, ain't she your girlfriend?"

"You're missing the "ex" on that one."

-End of Chapter-