
A week has passed since the start of classes. So far, everything is going smoothly. Thanks to the transfer student, the attention directed to me is halved significantly. I couldn't be more thankful because I really didn't like the stares the class was giving to Rose-to me.

Currently, I'm changing to my PE clothes with Archie in the locker room. On the other-hand, I was also changing PE clothes in the nurse's office as Rose for obvious reasons.

Even though it's a fact that I am also a girl now, everyone in class including me knows that I am still a guy inside. So before anyone could bring it up this morning, I volunteered to go to the Nurse's Office.

"So Rose, how are you feeling lately?"

This year's school Nurse is Aunt Jean, thankfully. So I expected her to be here when I came here.

"I'm getting used to this double-body stuff lately."

"That's good. But you didn't have to come here to change you know. You're allowed to enter the Girl's Locker Room."

"I'd rather not get killed by my classmates, Aunt Jean."

"It's Miss Jean in school, young man."

When I was about to pull down my shirt, Aunt Jean grabs my shirt and looks at my breasts.

"What's wrong?"

"Just curious, how are you feeling exactly?"

Her question doesn't make sense. It just made me tilt my head in confusion.

"I mean, we girls have this monthly menstrual period. I'm curious if you're feeling anything of the sort."

"Huh? Like that thing with Carla once a month?"

"It usually starts with some slight irritation, then after a while your pelvic area starts hurting."

"I don't want to listen to this!"

I immediately pull down my shirt and tried to run to the door, but Aunt Jean was fast to grab my hand and pull me back.

"You need to listen to me! You're a woman now. Though it is unknown when, the day may come that you'll suddenly have these cycles."

All of a sudden, she puts her hand under my shirt and lift my shirt a bit. And out of nowhere, she grabs my boob while making a scary smile. In the next second, she presses a part on my boob that sent a jolt up my body that also made Red nearly trip.

"I see..."

"What was that!?"

For some reason, I couldn't resist. My body is shaking and my knees nearly felt numb. Yet for some reason, Aunt Jean was giggling as she looks at me in the eye.

"You're starting to have a sexual development as a woman."

"What!? That's impossible! I made Archie touch my chest and I felt nothing! It didn't feel like this before!"

After my protest, Aunt Jean's smile instantly disappeared and she gave me a cold look.

"Can you say that again?"

"... I didn't feel like this before?"

Aunt Jean fell quiet. She didn't move or even make a single sound.


Just when I was about to call her out, he lets go of me and sits back while sighing.

"Listen, Red, Rose dear, a piece of advice; don't let the other guys touch your body again. It's okay to be curious, but don't get carried away with it. Okay?"

It was a simple advice, but it felt quite heavy. I fully understand it so I know what I did before was wrong.

"It's alright, Aunt Jean. I can defend this body."

After that, I fixed my shirt and went outside the Nurse's Office.

Despite all of that, I never told Archie about anything that happened in the clinic.

"You sure you're alright, dude?"

"Yeah, yeah, I felt a little bit under the weather but quite alright."

While we waited for the rest of the class to get out of the lockers, Archie, me and some of our classmates are sitting under a tree.

"Today's class is Practical Sword Arts, you sure you can do this?"

"I just need to get myself some water and I can bounce back."

When Archie turns to where I was looking, it was just my female self carrying three water bottle. One on each hand and one under my armpit.

I then toss the other bottle at myself and immediately opened it to drink. After quenching my thirst, I noticed my male classmates looking at Rose.

"Hey quit it. I can feel your gaze you know."

"Well it's not our fault for having your bra being visible."

When I looked at myself, it seems the water bottle under my armpit soaked the side of my shirt making it slightly see through.

Since I can't really do anything about it, I decided to ignore it and them.

"Thanks for the treat, Rose!"

"Sightseeing spots will have tickets next time."

After everyone finally came out, the Mr. Sevilla stands up from his seat under the shade of the tree and approached us.

He looks at his list as if he was checking our attendance.

"Since everyone is here, I'll start by giving you a rundown on Today's Training."

Before continuing, he shows two pendants from his pockets to everyone to see.

"We will have a skill measuring contest. To do that, we will have everyone participate in a one versus one duel with each classmates."

Because of what he said, everyone were sent into a noisy chaos. However, Mr. Sevilla seems to have expected it.

"I know everyone here doesn't want to participate in the School's Class Clash tournament, but everyone here needs to at least learn how to fight."

Though us few commoners were quiet and understanding about it, the majority of nobles seem to be really against it.

"But sir! What if we don't want to get hurt? Will the school pay reparations if they injure a student, much more a noble, during classes?!"

Sir Sevilla seems to have expected this protest as well. He just rubs his eyebrows while letting out another sigh.

"That is what these pendants are for. These called Training Pendants. It will protect you from getting harmed."

While talking, he drags a random student towards him and puts the pendant around his neck. After that, the pendant glows in blue and a faint blue light covers the student's whole body.

"This pendant will absorb hits 3 times, and all stacks if it's a Major hit. Anything more than that, the blue light will turn white. If it turns white, you lose. Don't worry, the protection won't go away. Simple, right?"

Though everyone understands that they are still safe, the majority still didn't like it and let out groans here and there. And Mr. Sevilla didn't like that.

"I hate to do this but, whoever loses twice, they'll run 50 laps around the campus. Whoever complains gets a hundred."

After being threatened everyone reluctantly agrees and listens to further instructions.

So the activity runs like this.

Everyone has to win at least once. One win guarantees an escape from the laps. To do that, they must choose wisely who to fight.

Starting from the guy who Mr. Sevilla first picked, whoever that guy picks to duel, the victor can decide to have another duel or pick a new guy. If the victor picks a new challenger, the loser cannot be picked again for the next 3 rounds.

If the first time challenger won against the victor who picked them, they cannot duel them again for the next round.

If the Victor decides to rest after his first win, he can choose who will fight next while the chosen gets to choose who he wants to fight.

Each Fights were timed to only last for 2 minutes to give everyone a chance.

Then it became my turn when the previous winner picked the guy next to me who decided to pick Rose.

This was the same guy who was ogling me earlier. I think his name was Charles?

It was allowed to pick opponents from either genders, but the girls can hold their own against the boys so nobody complained about it.

"Hey, Rose, want to have a deal?"


"If I win, let's go out on a date."

"Hell no!"

Because of what he said, everyone in class were shocked.


Charles looks at the girls who looked at him disgusted.

"She may be a girl, but Rose is still Red inside! What's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong-Boys! Everyone agrees that Rose is hot, right?!"


Somehow, I think something happened without me knowing.

For some reason, all the boys in class were roaring in cooperation except Archie who was on the ground hugging his stomach while laughing.

"Dude! Did you know anything about this?!"

"I did, but it was just so funny I decided not to tell you."


I got so angry that I punched his back strong enough to make him bend backwards in pain.

On the other hand, I'll have to deal with this idiot named Charlie.

"Everyone agrees to identify you as a girl now. You might as well start acting like one."

"No, and even if I do, I won't date you. I don't even have a good reason to accept that deal!"

"Then how about this, I'll buy you 1 custom-made Magic Sword, your choice even. That is if, you win."

That... actually doesn't sound like a bad deal.

Because he got me thinking, Charlie confidently smiles at me while pointing his sword at me.

"Say, do you accept the deal or not?"

This guy is confident, but I'm pretty confident with my sword skills as well.

"All I have to do is wipe that smile off your face huh."

"So it's a deal then."

"You better keep you promise."

That sword is as good as mine already.

-End of Chapter-