
Today's a Saturday, usually I'd be in my house lazying around. Well technically, I am lazying around while studying a new magic spell. But only as Red.

Rose on the other-hand is hanging out with Archie and Charles. Charles offered some us his classmates to come to his place because it's apparently his little sister's birthday. I wanted to decline, but Archie told me he wants me to come because his parents told him to interact with other nobles. So basically, I am his date of the sorts.

As we arrived in Charles' Mansion inside Archie's household carriage, I look at him who seems to be tensed while sitting on the other side of the carriage.

"You alright, dude?"

"No, I want to go home."

Unbelievable, even after we've already passed the gates, he's still wanting to retreat. Is this how he acts all the time?

"Stop being a baby. It's a good chance to get yourself a proper date."

"You don't understand! You're lucky that you have no idea how scary nobles are when gathered together!"

"It's just our classmates dude."

"No, apparently, students from the lower and upper classes are invited as well. It's going to be a bloodbath."

Ah, now it makes sense as to why there's a large number of parked carriages outside. I was starting to wonder if we really did have that many classmates. That aside, I'm pretty sure he's just exaggerating.

Then again, Archie is the only son of the Brallon Baron household. His status among women must be really high.

But still, the real problem is that this guy has a Phobia for crowds. I hope Charles' mansion is large enough to be spacious with the current number of people.

"We should turn back, Red!"

"Come here you big baby."

Since he was shaking while looking at the crowd outside, I decided to pull him towards me and bury his face on my chest.

"Red, what the fuck!?"

"It's Rose, and you should be thankful that I'm giving you one of our dreams as men come true."

Archie struggled to get away, but after a while, his movements become weaker and then his shoulders drop.

"I'm really sorry, Re-I mean, Rose."

"You're already an adult, it's time for you to get over your fear of crowds."

After Archie finally calmed down, I let go of his head and he pulls away to sit properly again. But this time it seems that his shaking stopped. Well except his hands.

"I'm thankful you do this stupid stuff with me Rose, but you need to stop using your body like it's a tool."

"What do you mean? You think I'll do this for other guys as well?"

"No, I didn't mean it like that. What I'm trying to say is, even if this "you" is an extension, it's still you but a woman. Just because there are things you can do as a girl now, doesn't mean you should do it. You may be a guy, but you're a girl too."

...I hate to admit it, but he's right. I kind of get carried away being like this lately.

"Also, you should try to distance yourself from Charles sometimes."

"Why? Don't tell me you're jealous. Don't worry, there's two of me. Hahahaha!"

"If there's one thing I'm jealous about, it's your time with your sister. And also, it's just that Charles seems to like you."

"Yeah, I noticed."

When I told him that, Archie looks at me with a confused expression. Well, he never knew about it.

"Well it's actually my fault."

"How so?"

"I kind of gave him a kiss on the cheek before we left that shady store where we got the daggers."

After telling him the details, Archie hits his face with his palm and lets out a sigh.

Before he could say anything, I raise both arms while looking away.

"In my defense, I didn't know how to thank the guy properly. The daggers were too high quality and were just given to me for free."

Archie looks like he had something to say, but then decided not to and just lets out a sigh again.

"Just don't get carried away next time."


While that was going on, Carla comes into my room soaked from head to toe.

"Can you not come into my room wet?"

"Then can you use your fire magic to dry me? Also, mom's calling for you in the yard."

After I went down from my room, I saw mom using the Glass Bonsai for magic training. Since Carla and mom have the same elements affinity, both of them use the Glass Bonsai to practice control over water by letting it flow through its hollow structure and let it go out and in through the openings in the branches.

"What's the problem, Mom?"

Before answering, Mom disperses the water out of the glass making it completely dry and clean.

"Nothing, really. But, I called you here to join Carla practice magic control."

When she said that, I got slightly taken aback. I mean, my affinity is Fire.

"Are you serious?"

"That's rude. Also, just because use fire magic doesn't mean you're only about firepower."

"But that's the point of Fire Magic, pure Firepower."

When I said that, Mom lightly clicks her tongue as she pull my hand towards her. After that, she pushes me in front of the Glass Bonsai.

"I had that same misconception when I was still young. Turns out, there's more to what the elements can do than what meets the eyes. The one who made me realize that was Richard, your dad."

"I see, but I use fire. This would melt."

"Your father used to practice his Earth Magic control with this by controlling a tiny pebble inside it without breaking it."


"Yes, and if it's you, I'm sure you can manage something. You want to surpass him, right? I'm sure you can do what he can."

When I look at mom, she just shows me a big smile like she was cheering for me.

"You're too old to be cheeky mom, but I gotta hand it to you for motivating me."

"How rude! I'm still 35!"

Then, how should I use the Glass Bonsai? I've never tried it before because I thought only Water Magic Users use these.

I hover my hand above the bonsai and focused my Magic to come out.

But it was too strong when it came out and I could barely control it where to go.

"This is quite difficult."

I try again, this time, focus on making a small fire. Since it only needed a small amount of magic to materialize, it quickly appeared. But to my surprise, a slight gust of wind was able to put it out.

"This is very difficult!"

"Don't worry, you'll figure something out."

"Dude, you're making quite the face there. You alright?"

Swinging back to Rose's side, it seems that my frustration was carried over to the other body.

"Mom's me making practice with the Glass Bonsai."

"Seriously? Isn't that tool supposed to be for Water Magic Users?"

"Apparently my dad used this for his Earth Magic practice as well."

"I see, then good luck with that."

While Red focuses on the magic training, I decided to feed myself some sugary sweets because it's giving me a massive headache.

"Make sure you don't eat too much, you wouldn't want to upset your stomach."

"Yes Doc."

The party had started a while ago. The star of the show was-no, it's "were", because Charles' sisters were actually twins, are now dancing with some higher ranked nobles.

Now that I think about it, only I out of all the commoners came here. I feel kind of place wearing only a white shirt and simple tight skirt when everyone else is wearing gowns and dresses adorned with silver and gold accessories.

This place seriously is sparkling to my eyes.

But that aside-

"Archie, are you alright?"

"Surprisingly, yeah. I think having you accompany me dettered the girls from approaching me. I think they see you as my girlfriend."

I look around the crowd. And just like he said, the girls that are interested in him aren't really approaching.

The preferable move here is to leave him alone and let him interact with them, but I'd hate to see this guy embarrass himself by having a panic attack.

Since it was free, I grab his left arm and wrap my arm around it.

"Since it can't be helped, I'll be your date for tonight."


Though I did that, there was one girl who still approached us. I don't remember seeing her before but this is a good start for Archie.

She's quite beautiful, not gonna lie.

"Good evening, Brallon."

"Good evening, Doel. I wasn't expecting to see you in this party."

Ah, so Archie does know her. Even calling each other without honorifics means they have some sort of history.

"You're cruel, Brallon. You say it like you didn't want to see me."

"Yeah, that's kinda rude man."

"Excuse me?"

Because I spoke out of habit, it surprised the girl which also made Archie elbow me a bit.

"You're Rose, remember."

"Yeah, yeah, sorry about that."

"Must be really nice to be able to casually whisper to each other like that in front of me."

Whoa, that's... a scary smile she's making.

Since it would be a bad idea to speak another word, I urged Archie to talk by tugging his arm.

"A-ah, right. Doel, meet my friend, Rose."

"No last name?"

"Rose is of common birth. We kind of grew up together. Kind of like childhood friends."

While explaining the girl suddenly makes a confused expression.

"Huh? I don't remember you with a girl. Speaking of which, where is that guy with you all the time?"

Just when Archie was about to say something. I grip his arm to get his attention.

"I'm sure it would be more interesting to talk about you than me, right?" (Dude, it would be weird to talk about me!)

I tried to convey my real words through my glare at Archie. Thankfully he understood and made a follow up.

"Ah, right. Re-Rose and I just recently got acquainted again. I just forgot about her, that's all."

"Come on, Archie, you're harsh for forgetting about me."

While trying to joke around, it seems his friend found it funny and couldn't help but giggle. And it seems that her presence deters more people than I do, I decided to stop being Archie's training wheels and let go of his arm.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm gonna go get some sweets so I'll leave you two get acquainted. You can do that, right?"

While walking away, I turn my eyes to Doel and gave her a wink. Her smile suggests she understood what I meant.

As I walk away from Archie who looks like an abandoned puppy, I notice that there are quite a lot of people who are surprised by my presence. Well, I kind of expect that since I'm the only commoner here.

Since nobody really is trying to take the sweets here, I decided to just stand beside the table like I own the sweets.

And as I was munching and observing the people dancing on the floor, all of a sudden, I felt a touch on my shoulder.

"Dude, just because it's your party doesn't mean you can casually touch my shoulder behind me. That's cree-"

I assumed it was Charles that's why I said those words. But the moment I turned, what I saw made me realize that I may have made the biggest mistake of my life.


-End of Chapter-