
So this is how things go.

For obvious reasons, Ofelia isn't included in the roster. She isn't allowed to participate in the tournament as she is a Royalty. But like the rest of the class, she is obligated to watch the event for the duration. Basically part of the cheering group.

The rest of the roster is both of me, Archie, and Charles. Then six of our other classmates. Since the roster is made with skilled and strong people in mind, these six are considered one of the bests in class.

They are Greta, Vivian, Delcie, Auen, Prat, and Muller. All of them are nobles from distinguished households. With them, that makes our group a 10-man group with mostly women.

Since we don't really know each other's abilities that well yet, we decided to have a little meeting in the closed forest next to the academy. The one who had this idea was Charles.

It goes without saying that he's the leader of our group. He was voted by the majority of the class.

"I'm glad that none of you ignored my summons."

Though he was voted by the Majority of the class, the ones that got picked in the roster aside from me and Archie are totally against Charles.

"This sucks."

Out of nowhere, Delcie suddenly says something rude. This surprised us a bit.

"What did you say?"

"I think I can speak for most of us here. We don't like you as a leader."

If I remember correctly, Delcie is also from a Lineage of Knights. Is there a friction between their family or something? She seems pretty antagonistic towards Charles.

"Delcie, it wasn't my choice to be one. I simply want to respect the majority's choice. Why don't you try and respect that as well?"

"I would have if you were anything close to leader material. You're just popular, you don't have the skill."

This made Charles eyebrows furrow as Delcie is clearly trying to taunt him. But for some reason, Charles just lets out a sigh while opening his arms.

"Excuse me, Delcie, Daughter of Selva Garaval. Last thing I remember is that it was your father's fault for losing his duel with my father. Don't take out your frustration on me."

Ah... so they really have some history.

"Like that was hardly a loss. If only your father didn't cheated, then he wouldn't have lost."

"Cheating, that's quite the accusation there Miss Delcie. It's dishonorable of a knight to accuse their fellow knights of cheating when it was a fair duel."

"Dishonorable? What do you know about honor?"

""Alright, alright. We're straying off topic here.""

It looked like both were about to pull out their swords so I decided to get in-between them with both bodies. We're outside so things might get a bit bloody if they go any further.

""I have no idea what's going on between you two and I have no plans in poking my nose into it, but at the least try to cooperate just this one time. You two may have bones to pick with each other, but don't bring us all down because of that.""



They both turned away while letting go of their sword's sheath. Though the tension is still there, I'm glad that that it didn't escalate.

Out of nowhere, Muller raises his hand to get my attention. Muller is a fat kid but has great skill with wielding a great axe. Apparently he's half-Dwarven descent which explains his strength and affinity with Earth Magic.

"I'd hate to break the mood, but the sun's about to set and since this is going nowhere, I think it's better to go home for now and do this meet up on a weekend."

"I think it's for the best. I'd hate to be around hot headed people."

Auen also agreed with him, though she doesn't seem to actually care about it.

"Right, so I guess we'll meet here again on Saturday."

Since it doesn't seem like Charles is in a mood to talk anymore, I decided to take the reigns from here and told everyone to go home.

"What are we gonna do with Charles?"

"I'll talk to him. Let's go home for now."

As Red, I grab Archie's shoulder and drag him with me outside the woods. Even without saying it, Archie understands what I'm trying to do.

That leaves Rose and Charles left.

Though he's been quiet for a while now, I can tell that he's still sulking.

"Why are you still here?"

"I don't really care what's going about you two, but I just can't leave a friend sulking you know."

While I sit on a rock looking at him, I pull out my daggers and swing them around.

"Hate it or not, what Delcie said was true. You haven't really proven your skill to lead Yet. Sure, you got the highest status amongst them, but even the fat guy is better than you in terms of strength."

Despite Muller's stout figure, he's still one of the top students in class and is actually better than Charles.

"So you're taking their side?"

Charles looks at me with frustration on his face.

"No, I'm on your side."

As I stand up, I use my Force Arte and jump real high and land away from Charles.

"I'm on your side, I understand your frustration because I am in a similar position. Moreover, I'm your friend."

Brandishing my daggers, I prepare myself for a duel. And after seeing my pose, Charles gets confused.

"What are you doing?"

"Let's have a little spar. Let that frustration out through your sweat. We didn't really fight seriously back then so I can't tell what's going in your head. Maybe this way we can understand each other more."

I know Charles works hard, but I also know where the others come from. He isn't doing enough to be recognized as a real leader. He's average like us, but I know he's capable.

"Come on, Charles, I know you are capable. Prove me right."

Though hesitant, Charles pulls out his sword.

"We don't have the protective amulet, you'll get hurt if my blade reaches you."

"That assumes you can touch me."

Using Force Arte: Hare Haste, my speed got boosted ten folds when I ran. My speed was increased to the point where I could even run on the trees sideways.

"Use everything you got, I'll use mine."

"I don't want to hurt a friend!"

"Well, try to lose fast then. But if you do, you'll lose my support as well."

Using dark magic, I create tiny frozen flames and flick them towards him.

Seeing those flying towards him, Charles ignites his sword with blue flames immediately melts my ice attacks as he slashes them down before it could touch him.

"Are you trying to kill me?!"

"You're a knight, you should get used to that feeling!"

While I keep running in circles around him, Charles tries to follow my movements, but since I'm way too fast, it might be too much for him.

Or so I though.

"Flames of Victory: Crossed Pillar!"

Four magic circles form around him. In an instant, a torrent of flames shoot out to all four directions around him. These blocked my path which made me go to a full stop which also cancelled out my force arte.

In an instant, Charles closes our distance with Flashing Blink.

As he swings down his sword, I cross my arms and with my dark magic, I create two icicles from below me to soften the attack and to block his sword with my daggers. When they landed, it slowed down the slash which gave me enough time to jump back and avoid it.

But Charles didn't let up. Instead, he roars then melts my icicles and continues to attack.

With my small daggers, I deflect all attacks to the sides at hair's breadth. It is mostly because his attacks are heavy.

As he continued his onslaught of heavy attacks, I noticed a gap with his swings.

In his next swing, I used both daggers to block and stop his sword.

This caught him by surprise.

Using that chance, I slip under his arms and using both his own strength and mine, I land a blow with my elbow into his stomach that blew him away to a tree.

But, I didn't feel anything good from it.

"Why did you hold back, Charles?"

As he tries to painfully catch his own breath, Charles stands up while coughing.

"I couldn't possibly hurt my first friend."

"Are you trying to insult me?"

"N-no, I just don't want to fight you."

Charles stabs his sword on the ground and stood up. Somehow, this pissed me off.

"I don't want to fight!"

Immediately, I run towards him while throwing my daggers away.

Using all my bare strength, I swing my fist across his face which threw him to another tree.


"I said I don't want to fight!"

"Listen to me!"

I pick him up by the sleeve and looked straight into his eyes. When I glared at him, he looks away.

"Do you want to be a knight or not?!"

"I-I do."

"Then why the hell are you not acting like one? Have some pride you dumbfuck! You're being Archie now."

Though slowly, Charles' eyes turn towards me.

"You were chosen to be our leader because you are capable. Sure, the others doesn't see you as one, but your job as the leader is to prove you are one. Unless you still want to be just a poster boy."

When I told him that to his face, he falls quiet for a second. However, he suddenly grabs my arms and tries to overpower me.

"I'm not your poster boy, goddamnit!"

Using his knee, he strikes my stomach which blew me away as it pushed out the air out of me. Because that strike was enhanced, the hit was really painful enough to make it agonizing to breathe.

"Now that's what I'm talking about!"

As I slowly take my stance, I pick up my swords and prepare for another round.

Charles suddenly charges at me with full speed. And along the way, he pulls out his sword from the ground and throws a diagonal swing to my stomach.

Using my flexible body, I bend backwards to dodge the attack and then kick his sword upward to open his defenses.

On all fours, I push myself towards him and try to tackle him.

However, I saw a little blue flame on his chest which was something that caught me off guard.

"Flame Guard:-"

Before he could finish his words, I use my dark magic to create ice on my shoulder to push myself away from him.

"-Charred Plating!"

A red layer of flaming hot armor suddenly appears on his body. It was close, and nearly burned me.

"Let's end it here."

Unlike before, Charles strikes the ground with his sword, but without letting go of it. From his stance alone, he's telling me that he's confident that I can't penetrate his armor.

With what I have right now, it's just a given that this is a losing game for me now.

"Alright, you win."

Charred Plating is a powerful combat magic armor that offers great defense and can burn anyone with weak magic that comes into contact with it. Only those who are talented and blessed with high levels of magic can use it. And unfortunately, I don't have the capacity or skill to overcome that for now. I can't even use that.

I raise my hands to show my surrender. Though I lost, I don't feel defeated.

After all, my goal was to stop this guy from sulking. And seeing how this guy is proudly smiling, I can say that I succeeded.

"Thanks, Red."

"It's Rose!"

-End of Chapter-