
A day has passed since that blunder I did.

I'm surprised that even after that, my head is still connected to my neck. What I did was probably enough to warrant a death by beheading. But even after that, she didn't say anything afterwards. Instead, she jumped out the window and flew away.

Though she sits next to Rose in class currently, she isn't talking to me.

"Dude, is there a problem?"

Archie looks at Red while lowering his head to not get seen by Sir Sevilla.

"What are you talking about?"

"You know what I'm talking about. Everyone knows about the yous dragging Princess Ofelia into the clinic. I heard she flew out the window and some witnesses said she was crying. What the hell happened in there?"

Oh god, a lot of people did see us. If her mind magic wasn't weakened, everyone would have been clueless. Then again, I can't tell him anything about the Ascension Fragments.

"My Demon Eye was acting up so I was rushing to the clinic to get some meds."

"I heard that she came in through the window."

"I don't know why. I don't have wings."

"Then why was she cry-?!"

Just before Archie could finish his words, it got cut off by a sudden quiet implosion of air on his table. I was clear who's magic it was.

Not only that, she heard everything because she grabbed Rose's arm. This terrified me and Archie.

Despite all of that, she still refused to look at me.

I'm really sorry!

Looking at her ear from Rose's perspective, I notice that the tip of her ear was reddening. I really got her shaken.

To avoid that topic again, I look around in class and notice that Charles is absent again. Which is quite weird because he's an honor student. Where did that guy run off to?

"Have you seen Charles yesterday?"

"No, actually. I've never heard of him since yesterday."

Even Archie doesn't know, huh. That's quite odd.

When lunch time came, the four of us headed to the cafeteria together. Despite the tension between us, Ofelia still sticks together with us.

Well it should be obvious because we're her Escorts.

As we were eating quietly, Archie leans towards Rose and looks at my food plate and then Red's. We're eating the same thing.

"I've always wondered about this but, does it confuse your mind to have different meals?"

"Yeah. That's why I eat just one type of thing if I eat with my other self."

"Does your hunger subside if only one body eats or not?"

"No, I can feel the other's hunger hence why I eat at the same time as the other."

Well it's nice to have Archie break this awkward silence.

"By the way, about your Dark Magic. Have you progressed with that? It'd be nice to have it work during the tournament."

"I've been practicing. Since I don't have spells for it, I just use my raw magic to use it. It's consumption is very bad but it works fast when reversing my Fire Magic."

To make an example, I create a regular fire on my hand. After that, I imbue it with dark magic and the fire itself got consumed by black flame then suddenly turns into ice.

"Can I touch it?"


As per his request, I hand him the chunk of ice. When he had it on his hand, he looked somewhat thrilled.

"It's cold, but it's not melting."

"Dark Magic is very weird. Although it's not as strong as Water Magic's Ice, my Dark Magic Ice doesn't melt at all. It just disappears into smoke after some time though."

As we were talking, I notice something different about Ofelia. Her wings suddenly became fluffy as she was looking down on her knee. It looks like she was agitated by something.

"What's wrong?"

"Something's not right."

While saying so, she looks around the cafeteria cautiously like she was looking for someone.

"Ofelia, you're acting pretty weird."

As I was about to stand as Rose, she grabs my shoulder and pinning me back to my seat. Immediately after that, I could feel her Mind Magic connect with me.

As her thoughts were directly linked with mine, I pull out one of my daggers and slide it on the table to Red.

"What's wrong, Red?"

"Someone targeting Ofelia is nearby."

After I said that, Archie looks around cautiously while putting his hand on his sword beside the table.

"They're quite brave to infiltrate the Academy, but it'd be a foolish move for them to attack when there's lots of armed students here."

If there's one thing our small academy can boast about, it's our ability to act to threat. And when everyone in the cafeteria saw us being cautious, everyone else puts their hands on their weapons with their guards up.

In an instant, the noisy cafeteria fell into dead silence.

Everyone's breathing was controlled and quiet. Some even have their magic ready to me fired at any moment.

This is because in our first year, we were trained to react to anything that could possibly happen. After all, this is the Military Capital is just next to the Untamed Regions.

"The threat ran away."

After saying that, Ofelia's feathers went back to normal. However, her guard was still up.

"How did you know someone was targeting you?"

"I don't know. But I could tell a hostile gaze from anywhere."

"You sound like you've been to battles before."

"I did though."

Despite my joking remark, Ofelia replied casually with a dead serious expression. I couldn't tell if she replied with a joke or not.

"Well that aside, is it fine to lower our guard now? The food's getting cold."

Out of nowhere, Archie puts down his sword while casually saying such comment.

After that, the dead silent cafeteria became lively again as everyone's tension dropped.

"This is quite alarming. I never expected them to have already infiltrated the academy."

Ofelia said as she sits back to her her chair.

Despite that, Archie was still carefree as he was eating.

"Forgive me if I'm rude, but even if they did, everyone in the academy has been trained to respond to such threats. Everyone here is a knight, if there's anything we can boast about, it's our ability to respond. This is a Military Capital after all."

While we continued our meal, I noticed a girl approaching our table. It was Vice President Soffel looking really confused.

"Uhm, forgive me for disturbing your meal. I want to ask what just happened?"

"Not quite sure. Someone suddenly released some bloodlust from somewhere so our guards immediately went up."

"Is that so? Then I need one of you to come to the student council to record what just happened. Such things need to be recorded to be investigated later."

While we were talking with Soffel, I noticed that Ofelia has been staring at her.

As Rose, I scooted closer to her to ask.

"Is there something wrong."

"I didn't know there was a student council in this school."

"Oh right, I forgot that you're a transfer student. Yeah, we do have them. They're somewhat our liason with the faculty."

"I see..."

Come to think of it, this is the first time they have come near close with each other.

After asking Archie a few questions, Soffel turns to Ofelia. Next, she lifts her skirt as she bows to her.

"My apologies for disturbing your meal, your highness."

"I don't mind."

"Thank you for your kind words."

After saying so, she immediate starts walking away while slightly waving her hand at Rose.

Archie suddenly elbows me to get my attention for some reason.

"Soffel looks kinda different today. Did you notice that?"

"First of all, your elbow hurts. Second, I don't know what you're talking about."

"I mean, she looks much more lively today for some reason. Also, I noticed that little wave she did. Was that for you?"

"At Rose actually. She still doesn't know about me. And yea, we're somewhat friends now."

"You don't sound too happy though."

"Well, I technically lied in front of her about myself so it makes me kind of guilty."

When I turn my attention to Ofelia, I noticed that she was in deep thought.


"Sorry, I was just thinking about security."


-End of Chapter-