Some Development

Morning had arrived and I'm currently eating breakfast with the rest of my family.

Other than me, Carla and Mom are still nervous with Ofelia in the house. Well, she is a princess after all. And a Dragonoid Princess one too.

As she was serving bacon, mom was shaking like crazy that it's impressive she hasn't dropped any of the bacon slices she's serving.

"I-I'm really sorry if our plebeian food doesn't meet your palate's standards, your highness."

"There is no problem with it. Rather, it is nice to have simple food once in a while."

Since mom looks like she was gonna pass out any moment, I decided to direct Ofelia's attention to me.

"What kind of food do you usually eat outside the cafeteria though?"

"To be honest, I don't remember any of their names. All I know is that they taste quite complicated and they are served by my maids."

"Wuh... That's one way to brag, I guess."

"In all honesty, I like to eat simple food like this. Though I have eaten food and pastries of high quality, I am not impressed by them mostly because they make me feel like I'm incapable of doing something as basic as cooking. Simple food like bacon makes me happy because even I, who is inept can make."

"Well, you can have more bacon I guess."

As I tease her by offering the plate of bacon slices as rose, her cheeks get a bit rosy from embarrassment.

"By the way, what do you think of the bread?"

"It's plain, but it helps in controlling the bacon's saltiness."

"Then have some more if you like."

Thanks to the Prince's funding, I can actually support Ofelia's needs when it's necessary. Also, I'm surprised that the princess is actually a heavy eater. I guess that's what it means to be part Dragon?

After our slightly tense breakfast, we immediately went out and headed to the academy.

Although there was supposed to be a carriage for Ofelia to ride to the Academy, she insisted in walking with me. I told her it's half an hour long walk, but she said she doesn't mind.

While we are walking down the street, I observed Ofelia who was rather in awe with watching the streets we passed through.

"Is there a problem, princess?"

"No, I just didn't think this place would look different from what I've previously seen."

"What do you mean? You've been here?"

"Personally, no. I simply saw this same path from your memory. It feels different to experience it myself."

"You know what, I'll ignore what you just said. But I'm glad you find my mundane life interesting."

It's great to see the usually expressionless princess be interested in simple things. Though she said that she was older than mom, she acts younger than Carla. I guess this is the result of living in such secluded place? Also, I wish she stops reading my mind after her magic goes back to normal. It feels weird to have someone looking into my private life.

As she was about to cross the street while looking up the signages, I immediately grabbed her arms with both bodies and pulled her back. A few seconds later, a fast moving carriage passes in front of her.

"I've made a blunder..."

"Well, it's good that you're having fun, but please be careful when crossing the road. At the least, put your arm around mine. That'd make me feel more at ease as your escort."

While looking all embarrassed, I offer my arm to her as Rose. Obviously, I did this with Rose instead of Red is to make any weird rumor about us.

"So you thought about that."

"I'm just making sure I don't ruin your public image. I prefer to live my life in peace after all."

"For a man aspiring to be a knight to be revered by his father, you sure like peace quite a lot."

As we continued to walk, I noticed a few shadows in the alleyways moving in certain intervals. To the untrained eye, they wouldn't be noticed.

"Don't worry, they are our hidden guards. They don't have names, but they serve and swore loyalty the kingdom of Azureth."

"They feel like assassins rather than knights."

"Well, they technically are assassins. But they will not intervene unless something that is irregular happens."

I'm learning quite a lot about Ofelia when we're together like this. Rather, it feels she's much more lax than before for some reason.

When we finally reached a certain street, I saw Archie standing just under a pole playing with a little tornado on his palm wasting his magic.

"Good Morning, princess."

"G-good Morning, Archie."

Was it just my imagination, or did Ofelia stutter a bit when she saw Archie? I felt her arm suddenly tightening around mine a bit.

"So, how'd it go? You didn't do weird to her highness, did you?"

"You're making it sound like I'm a deviant or something."

"Well, Elena used to say you were. And speaking of which, I was told that her engagement was dissolved."

"I told you already, I have nothing to do with her anymore."

"Really man... I really liked you two together. Besides, it's not like everyone was against your relationship or anything. Besides, the reason for the dissolution of her engagement is really interesting."

Hmm... that did piqued my interest, but doesn't really matter at this point.

"Dude, I appreciate the fact that you used to support us, but what's gone is gone."

When I said that to him, he starts looking disappointed at me while pouting.

"Why are you so adamant about not talking about her anyway? I mean, sure, she offended you once, but I'm pretty sure somewhere around that armored heart of yours is still weak for her."

"Can you sh-"

"He's just afraid to be lied to."

Before I could say anything, Ofelia cuts me off and answers Archie. When I looked at her from Rose's perspective, she was looking at me with a smile.

"It's a simple thing, yet even the strongest of bridges can fall from a single fault. You may be Red's childhood friend, but it seems that you haven't been into his mind."

"I'm sorry princess, but unlike you, I don't have mind magic."

"It doesn't matter whether one has it or not. You only need to know one's past to understand, especially your friend's."

When he was told that, Archie couldn't help but look away while scratching the back ifvhis head. After that, he looks at me apologetically then turns away and starts walking.

"Sorry for being pushy about Elena all the time, Red. That was kind of selfish of me."

After hearing that, Ofelia smiles as her grip on Rose's arm relaxes.

"I know how much you value trust, so much that even I who was gifted the power to see into minds was surpassed."

"At this point, I'm not surprised that you know everything about me."

"Aside from your "Daddy Issues", there are still things I don't know about you yet."

"Things that even Mind Magic doesn't know?"


When I look at her, she draws a smile on her face, a kind of smile that I recently haven't been seeing much.

"Don't get ahead of yourself now."

"Please, stay out of my head sometimes."


Man, this princess...

If she keeps being like this, I just might...

-End of Chapter-