Divine Favour

Since they were at a major disadvantageous situation, Red and the team has been forced to change their plan.

Not only that they are out numbered, they don't have other options because of their numbers either. Their enemies are also skilled and cautious. Red could hardly take anyone down unless he takes them by surprise.

"How many enemies are there on the other side of the wall?"

"I don't know, I lost count earlier. But I'm pretty sure I knocked down their group leader just now."

"Can you beat them?"

"I don't have enough magic on me and my Force Arte expired. I can't use any for a while."

Muller keeps attacking the enemies on the other side of his wall by launching them in the air with his earth magic that creates pillars after he hammers the ground.

However, they have begun learning to avoid it and not even one who was launched earlier were decommissioned.

"This is annoying. I guess these are the elites of Class A we're dealing with."

"I guess the ones Prat, Archie, and I knocked out earlier were the Class C who couldn't keep up."

"Can't you do anything to help?"

"Like I said, I'm low of magic right now. I'd drop into a coma again if I run out."

"Typical Demon."

While they were distracted, one of the enemies managed to scale the wall and threw a blade of wind at them.

Immediately, that blade was deflected by a blast of water along with the caster which decommissioned them with one attack.

The source of this water cannon was Rhie who was behind them.

"Do you recon the other team has a magic potion on them?"

She asked as she scales the wall with a single jump.

"He can recover from your kiss, or sweat. There's no need for you to risk yourself."

"Shut up!"

While blushing beet red, Rhie jumps into the battle happening on the other side.

Though it was done with good intentions, Red felt both embarrassed and disappointed at Muller who was too insensitive about the whole deal.

"Muller, dude, you can't just say that to a girl."

"You already had a taste of Delcie and Vivian, what's wrong with having a 3rd one?"

"We just met you idiot!"

Out of frustration, Red snatches the vial of magic potion hanging on Muller's waist and immediately drinks it. Muller was speechless looking at Red drinking down the potion in which only he knows the flavour of.

After gulping it down, Red shivers and nearly vomits the potion out.

"What the hell was that?!"

Seeing his reaction, Muller bursts into laughter while still hitting the ground with his hammer.

"Since you didn't end up vomiting it out, I'll let you off the hook for stealing it."

"What was it made of anyway?"

"Fermented Fire Bull Dung."

Upon hearing it, Red's face turns pale in disgust. After that, he creates fire and turns it into ice and melts it in his mouth to drink it.

"What the fuck!"

"You're not removing the taste off your mouth for a while. Hahaha!"

Disgusted and Frustrated, Red didn't know where to put his misplaced anger. Instead, he jumps into the air so high that he scaled the wall, and then launches himself like a projectile with explosive fire under his legs towards the enemies.

"Wyvern's Breath! "

Putting magic on his mouth, Red decides to use a fire magic that makes him breathe fire mimicking a fire Wyvern. All just to attempt and burn away the horrible flavour on his mouth.

And by letting out his frustration, several enemies were burned by his sudden reappearance and decommissioned them. It also happens to be the enemies Rhie was fighting by herself.

"Thank you for the assistance!"

"Wasn't really my intention."

My herself, Rhie runs forward with her sword out.

"Rain Caller's Prayer! "

By swinging her sword diagonally, droplets of water were left behind by her swing. And with her magic, those same droplets were launched at sonic speed that the fighter with a shield could only defend it.

Unable to see Rhie, the fighter looks around him to find her. But before he realized it, Rhie was already overhead him and gave him a kick to the face and got knocked out.

Seeing this, Red was fired up and his morale raised.

"I'm not going to get left behind."

And just when he was about to charge at one of the fighters, that fighter got launched into the air buy a pillar of stone.

When he looked behind him, he saw Muller flying after being launched by his own magic.

As the fighter was vulnerable in the air, Muller uses that chance and swings his hammer and slams it unto the shield of the fighter and launches him so far.

Only the light of the pendant could be seen activating indicated that he was out of commission.

Red got a bit annoyed by it and grunted when Muller stood behind him.

"You stole my score."

"You're just slow."

Out of nowhere, a chunk of earth was flying towards them.

"I got this."

"No you don't!"

Though Muller jumped in front of Red to tank the flying object, Red was faster in invoking his magic.

"Imperidus Igna!"

A large wall of black flame rises in an explosion underneath them and melts the earth into nothingness when it hits it.

"How did you cast Level 5 magic so quick!?"

"Rose was already casting it."

"You can do that!?"

"Trust me, it surprises me more than you do."

The three of them continued to clash with Class A's Elites. The sound of metal hitting metal resounded. The earth shook every time magic gets invoked. The smell of ozone fills the air as fire consumes everything else.

Though it was just them, it was total pandemonium all over. A sight to behold if one were to describe it.

Everyone who is watching it live were exhilarated. That includes Carla, Ofelia, and Elena who are still at the academy watching it in a special private room.

"I will never get enough of my love's gallant figure performing in the battlefield."

"His fighting style is quite rough, but it is commendable how adaptive he is when it comes to actual fighting."

Though there's tension in the air, both of them were not so hostile against each other. Though not so hostile, they were on guard.

While Ofelia's wings were enlarged and her horns out, Elena had her wings and halos out as well. Not exactly going into a battle, but they looked very prepared for one.

And between them, is the unfortunate little sister of Red, Carla. If it weren't for her presence, she fears that the two of them may clash.

She wanted to leave. The pressure between an angel and a dragonoid was is too much for her heart to handle. But like Red, she had a strong sense of responsibility. She couldn't just abandon a task her brother gave her. Especially since she is getting paid for it.

She could only curse him in his heart with tears at the end of her eyes.

However, that was not all.

"Your brother is an admirable fighter. If I remember correctly, he wants to be a Magic Knight. Is that right?"

"Y-yes, your highness."

"I told you, there's no need to be stiff."

Not only an Archangel and a Dragonoid Princess were here, a Royalty was also present. And this royalty is Prince Arlen.

"A commoner like me couldn't possibly be thankful enough to be graced by your presence, your highness."

"Hmm, just refer to me as you would your brother. Being called 'Your highness' by someone a bit younger than me kind of irks me."

"I-I possibly can't!"

Arlen couldn't help but laugh at her being so stiff.

Rather, he couldn't help but be entertained by her presence because from his perspective, she looks like Rose, but smaller and with brown hair. He thought that in itself is amusing.

"Arlen, isn't this being broadcasted at your quarters in the castle as well?"

Because Arlen has been a bit too imposing on Carla for a while now, Ofelia couldn't help but feel pity towards her and decided to throw a saving line to get Arlen's attention.

"Well, I thought that it was much more interesting to watch with someone so I decided to come here to watch it with you."

"You could've let me know beforehand so that I had prepared something better."

Since Prince Arlen visited the academy unannounced, it put the academy into a panic. The staff scrambled for materials to build the Pavilion, called extra guards at the closest garrison, and tried to prepare the best food to serve.

Though most of them were met, the last one was insisted to be cancelled. By his request, their table was filled with common festival food like Candied Apples, Buttered Corn, Multi-Coloured Cotton Candy, etc.

"Honestly, I preferred to experience eating school festival food."

"Hmm... I share the same sentiment. Experiencing common indulgence is not something we can experience easily as Royalty. Though it may be impossible for us to experience simple joy as commoners, we can at the least, enjoy their food."

"Speaking from experience I see."

Ofelia felt a bit tilted when she got teased. But she tired not to show it but looking away to the projection.

But because Ofelia and Arlen are long time friends, Arlen knows what she is truly feeling inside.

"You know, I do receive reports of Rose and Red's daily purchases from my subordinates."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"It may be just a hunch, but do you have a large craving for salted beef jerky lately?"

Ofelia didn't show it on her face that she's embarrassed after getting exposed, but the cute small flaps of her large wings gave it away. Arlen and Carla found it cute and funny.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about, Ofelia. Though I only eat it on rare occasions, I am fully aware of the amazing taste of salted jerky."

"Then there's no need to tease me about it."

"But I don't think anyone would actually eat several Kilos of it every day."


Though they were having such a fun atmosphere, on the other side of the pavilion, someone else had a different mood.

Arlen notices the angel's halo crackling with electricity indicating that she was bothered by something.

"Excuse me, milady. But is there a problem?"

Though she was smiling when she faced the prince, her eyes weren't and it was obvious that she was not in a good mood.

"Nothing, Prince Arlen. Though it does make me curious as to why you and the Dragonoid Princess have close relations with my dear Red."

He wasn't being threatened or was shown signs of hostility, but Arlen felt danger emanating from her. Since he was knowledgeable about races as a prince, he knew that the angel in front of him was of high status and should not be offended.

If anything, this angel has equal authority with him if not more when it comes to power.

"My apologies, milady, but I never got your name. May I have the pleasure of learning it?"

"I am Elena, Thundering Trumpet of Gods. There is no need to curry my favour Prince Arlen, my heart already belongs to someone else."

"I... I didn't know that Sir Red received Divine Favour. If I knew, I would've approached him more appropriately."

To gain an Angel's affection is to gain their favour and protection. To gain an Archangel's is an entirely different story. As Archangels are blessed by Gods, they have a fraction of divinity with them. If someone gains an Archangel's affection, they will receive Divine Favour in which gives said people mysterious abilities and strong protection.

Such people are rare on the mortal realm as gaining their favour is considered a near-impossible feat.

"What happened has already happened. I am not unreasonable enough to be bothered by that. Besides, you are mistaken."

Arlen was surprised. Although he was expecting to incur her anger, somehow her calm demeanour made her quite impossible to read. So her saying that she's not angry about possibly mistreating her beloved surprised him.

"I only recently ascended to Archangel form. So Red only has the blessing of a regular angel. I could give a divine one right now, but I don't think the current him would like that."

While saying so, she looks at the Red shown in the projection. Though covered in blood and dirt, he was obviously having fun.

"He may not have realized it, but he's using my blessing right now. It's like he's expressing his love to me unconsciously."

At first Arlen looked at the Archangel with fear and admiration. But after seeing her change immediately from being angry to being head-over-heels at the drop of the hat, he was taken aback.

Ofelia pokes Arlen to get his attention. But because it was unexpected, it slightly startled him.

"There's no use in talking to her when Red's on the projection."

"What do you mean?"

"You'll know."

Arlen looks again at Elena.

Though she was just watching, for some reason, she was breathing heavy. Her wings were shaking from excitement and her halos were rotating at high speeds like propellers.

"U-uhm... Milady, are you alright?"

"I'm more than alright. I can feel his love in the way he uses my blessing!"

"I... I'm quite curious as to what your blessing is. Is it alright to ask?"

The moment the projection cuts from Red to another fight, Elena sits down and looks at Arlen.

"As a former angel of Thundering Trumpets, my power and blessings are related to electricity. Though our blessings offer different effects on each individual, we do have an inkling on what they receive even without their knowledge."

Arlen tried to remember anything resembling electricity from the fight he just saw. But other than some of his enemies throwing bolts of electricity at Red, he didn't see any signs of him using the element himself.

"Though it's hard to understand how it works, I can somewhat explain. But I expect the prince to be aware of the blessing ."

"Battery Step? That sounds... familiar."

"It's a blessing that's only beneficial to fighters who love to move around. The more they move, the faster and more nimble they get. For them, the world feels a bit slower. It was quite prevalent when he fought several enemies at once."

Arlen sat back and pondered as he watches the fight on the projection.

"Is that why he was immune to electricity earlier?"

Elena shook her head to deny it.

"No, that was really just his rubber shoes."

-End of Chapter-