
"You see, she beheaded the Stone Tusk with just a single attack using a sword made of ice that came from fire! You should've seen how cool it is!"

"We heard you the first time, kid. There's no need to keep repeating it on each table."

Currently, I am at the inspection room in the Guild Office. As part of the official procedure with hunting related jobs, we are using this room to inspect the quality of the catch. There's also a staff from the restaurant who put the request.

While we were doing that, Jun has been running around the office telling everyone about the hunt.

"The table is clear now, you can unload all the catch."

"Uhm... I kind of caught them whole. I don't think the table can bear such load at once even if it's made of metal."

"Uh... wasn't it in the description to prioritize the legs? The rest of the parts r"

"Huh? I thought it said to keep the legs intact?"


Kael ruffled his eyebrows and then take out the paper which says the description of the job order.