
"It's quite nice to get out during the day once in a while. Usually, the other girl would be doing chores right now."

"Don't even think of trying to get away even once."

"Even if I could, I don't think I can get far with the Geass on me."

Currently, I'm outside the gates as Red and Rose. I've decided to take on a Subjugation Quest as Rose with Red as the helper on paper. I've also brought Ruina with me, only because nobody else is left in the house.

Currently, Carla is having a field study and won't be back for three days, Mom is going to the Eastern Walls to visit dad, and Ofelia went back home to well, explain stuff regarding our relationship.

"You're quite confident to come out here just by yourselves."

"You said it yourself. You're the only assassin that is coming for me. Also, you only got me before because I let my guard down. I'm a Knight, I won't let that happen twice."