Heart of Steel and Soul of Platinum

[You're a princess for god's sake!]

[I was worried you know! You slept like a log for two days! I thought you sacrificed yourself for me.]

After I caught the princess from jumping off the balcony, I decided to just carry her inside because she refused to let go of my face when I got her. Right now, she's just sitting on my shoulder comfortably like she belongs there.

For some reason, she's speaking through telepathy again with Ofelia's help. I gave her a voice, did it have some complications while I was away?

Not only that, the red strand on her hair and her eyes went back to normal.

The other girls are angry at her for doing something rash, but they're not showing it on their face. They're keeping a composed expression just for show. Are they not going to point out her hair and eyes?

Well, if they aren't, there must be a reason why. I want to ask, but I have bigger problems right now.