Getting to Know

After 2 days of travelling, we could finally see the first Town we could stay over. According to Ace's map, it's a small town named Trina.

Since we've been camping out in the open for 2 nights in a row now, staying in an inn and taking proper bath would be nice to have.

[Wait, is it fine that I'm going in as a Progenitor Demon?]

"Hmm... I don't think so. You look harmless."

"I think that's just you, Miss Hale."

Since it's already nighttime, I probably look pretty threatening right now.

While I can just simply turn back to normal, I don't have a mount of my own and the others can't have a second seater because they have their own baggage.

All of a sudden, Ace moves closer to the guy with a long sword and shield on his back. If I remember correctly, his name is Clyde. I think he's a noble? I forgot what house he's from.

He's a quiet large dude, but he doesn't seem to be as low tempered as he looks. Then again, he hardly says anything during the trip.