Shock and Surprise

Though we are 2 days earlier than scheduled, our group had reached the gates of Rosetta Port. Because there is a checkpoint in the gates, there's a long line of wagons and carriages that go in and out of it.

Thankfully, we got here early in the morning because if we arrived here at noon, we'd probably end up getting through the gates by sunset.

"Bovalian Magic Knights, it's been a while since someone from that Kingdom went to Gardelia."

"I guess most of them backed out because it's too far."

While the rest of us are being inspected by the guardsmen, Ace was talking with the head guard.

"Nobody would blame them if I'm to be honest. Gardelia's way too far from Bovalia."

As he looks at our IDs one by one, he suddenly stops shuffling and looks at me.

"A demon-no, two demons?"

The Head Guard walks towards me and hands me my IDs with a concerned look on his face.

"Are you sure you want to go to Gardelia?"

Since he's facing Rose and not Red, I decided to just answer him as Rose.