Starting Pursuit

The day has nearly come to an end and the veil of evening has started to cover the sky.

While no problem occurred the whole day, it was quite festive as lots of smaller boats have surrounded the Iron Beast while selling their products to the tourists on board.

It was quite a sight to see the tourists onboard and the local mermaids interact.

Since the Iron Beast was a large ship, the tourists had to get down on the smaller boats to interact with the locals. While it was something like a paid thing, it wasn't overpriced.

But what was more surprising to me is that Gardelia's currency are coloured crystals.

While the small boats accepted copper, silver, and gold coins, they were mostly exchanged for crystals.

The crystals' value are judged by their colour and size.

Green has the lowest value. Even if it was the size of my index finger, a copper coin can be exchanged for three of it.

Next to that is Orange, it has the value of 5 greens.

Then Yellow has the value of 4 oranges.