Cruel Reminder

"You remember my name, but you don't even remember your own sister, Li'idine."

"What did you do to Lyn?"

When I asked her, her smile turns into a fallen crest with her arms on her back.

Not really sure what she's trying to do, but if I'm going against a fellow progenitor right now, I would lose since I only have half my power here.

"You ask that as if it's my fault."

"What do you mean?"

When she took a step forward, I inadvertently took one back as well. Seeing that, her smile returns and became even more sinister.

"You're the one who sent her to her demise. I was simply doing my normal routine."

"Cut the shit, Dau'at. You're the one who started this."

Out of nowhere, she bursts into laughter which made the air shake for unknown reason.

"So you really don't remember huh. I guess I can't blame you for that since you're the one who dies and reincarnates a lot. Reincarnation jumbles up memories."

"What do you mean?"