A Heavy Choice

"You're a liability, Linalyn."

In the open snow-filled forest, my words echo throughout the trees and into Linalyn's heart.

"B-but, sir..."

"I don't know what you've seen inside those walls, but in your current state, you're not fit to work nor even capable of defending yourself."

It's been almost a week since the incident. While she was unconscious for 2 days, I had to look after her while keeping my ears up for any surprise attacks Dau'at might throw at me.

But when she woke up, she was still the same before she passed out. Scared and terrified of something.

Not only that, for some reason, she refuses to eat anything and would start to gag from disgust as if the idea of eating itself is repulsive.

I tried to force her to eat one time, but when I did she would close shut her mouth while crying as if I was torturing her.

I don't feel any curse on her or anything.