Heavy Shackles

"This is, curious."

"Um... pardon?"

While Zyph was standing with papers on hand, Qu'alna was in her way and touching her belly. She was trying to get back to her table, but Qu'alna suddenly entered the study and suddenly approached her.

But because of her Magic Tool that disguises her to make her look normal, it made Qu'alna look like she was hovering her hand over her belly.

"Never would I have thought that the blood of a Progenitor could be made dormant by the blood of Oureth."

"You know my ancestor?"

"I was there when he was created."


Out of nowhere, the doors slam open and a panicked Rishna ran into the room breathing roughly and looks very tired.

"Your holiness! Please, don't go anywhere without notifying us! Also, this is Lady Rose's office, you shouldn't be here without her."

"I sensed my sister's presence so I thought she'd be here."

"Even so! There are a lot of work to do."