When she was interacting with mortals throughout this time period, she did not concern herself with any of these complicated matters. At that same time, Lisa gave herself a head shake in an effort to erase those recollections.
She glanced at John with a grin on her face as she proposed, "John, why don't we go to your room?" He stared at her with a blank expression on his face.
John gave an answer to Lisa's query with one eyebrow raised, his eyes a little bit reddened, and his words sounding a little bit inebriated. He said, "If I were in my former shape, I'd interpret that in a completely different meaning."
The smile that was already present on Lisa's face widened into a wider grin. After that, she murmured in a manner that suggested she was embarrassed, "That... This is not... Never mind. When I go to the hotel, John, you can find me in your room waiting for you there. As she approached John's bedroom, she pleaded with him to return quickly and continued on her journey.
Lisa was allowed to enter John's room once she turned the knob on the black door with the red knob that led to John's room. She positioned the violin so that it was resting on the couch, and then she sat down and rested her head in her hands. After she had completed this, she continued to play the violin.
"Lisa, I don't know why you would say anything like that. I don't get it at all. You must be aware that he is unable to get his item to operate, yet despite this information, you still brought it up. Despite the fact that you are aware of this, you still brought it up. Lisa mumbled something to herself while she contemplated the problem and said nothing to everyone else. "That's not quite what I had in mind, but I guess it came out that way."
"Well, maybe it was just me acting a little strange. She constantly said, "There is absolutely something wrong with me," under her breath. "I can't be the only one." She then groaned while clenching her teeth and simultaneously expelled air from between her teeth while doing so.
Before proceeding, she sat herself back down, straightened herself out, and ran a hand through both her dress and her hair. Only that, as her face had sustained such terrible disfigurement that nothing further could be done for it. Lisa's attitude changed to one of displeasure as she suddenly became aware that the sole reason she was concerned about her appearance was because she was in John's company.
What a peculiar suggestion to make.
"Never mind. I just want to make sure that I'm behaving in the acceptable manner. Yes, Lisa. "Excellent!" she shouted as she held her breath, and as soon as she had finished her exhale, she closed her eyes. She had been holding her breath.
The door opened wide. Lisa jumped to her feet, shrugged her shoulders, and then remained still in the same position. She appeared to be staring at John with eyes as wide as saucers, as if the devil himself had materialized in front of her to drag her down to hell.
John tilted his head to the side and wrinkled his brows as he inquired, "What are you doing?"
She whispered to herself, "Um... nothing," as she stood there. When Lisa stepped backward in an effort to give John more space, John grabbed her by the arm and nearly caused her to tumble off the couch. Lisa's attempt to give John more space resulted in John grabbing her.
It was with a frown on his face that he issued the warning, "Watch out, there."
Because she was sitting so rigidly in her chair, it gave the impression that she was motionless. She did so nevertheless, and then she cleared her throat after she finished starring at John for a few moments before Lisa was able to get a handle on herself and quit staring at John for a few moments. She mumbled something under her breath, "Uh, thank you," and then she turned and walked away.
As they moved farther into the structure, John advised his buddy, saying, "You may have twisted your ankle or harmed your back." John continued to move deeper into the structure.
Lisa answered by giving herself a small smile and said, "I fell a lot, but that's difficult to happen."
She had lived her own life long enough to understand that it would be difficult for anyone to hurt her in any way. It may be a sprained ankle, right? Twisted ankle? Impossible.
Keeping this in mind, Lisa moved to the couch, adjusted herself in the huge dress, and took a few deep breaths while she did so.