In Which She Lied

Lisa exclaimed, "Aight, boys," as she knocked the bottle of whiskey down with a single fast stroke. "Here we go."

She sucked her saliva back into her mouth and formed her hand into a fist, which she then used to cover an undetectable microphone.

"Mamaaaa… oo oh oo... I'm just a poor lad nobody likes me…."

After then, she directed the microphone to the people who were working behind her.

The boys on one side of the argument chanted that "He's just a poor boy from a poor home," while the boys on the other side of the argument chanted the reverse.

Men on the opposing side sang, "Spare him his life from this evil" as they chanted. Protect him from this horror and spare his life.

"Oh, mom mia, mama mia, mama mia," sang a drunken Mona.

Everyone that participated in the chorus kept repeating the word "Mamaaa." "oo oh ooo."

After one of them raised their glass and toasted "to the worst singing," the others did the same thing as they followed suit.

Hennessy was able to pull himself up to his feet, but as soon as he put one foot in front of the other, he collapsed once more. Because he had a solid grip on the table and was moving in close proximity to it, he was able to prevent himself from slipping off of it.

"Okay, you guys. Hennessy announced, "I will sing," while keeping his eyes closed the entire time.

Every single member of the team let out a collective "Nooooo."

Hennessy's response was, "Oh, sure," followed by a mischievous chuckle, and he then leaned his head back and cocked his chin forward. "Yes, I will carry out your request."

"Hennessy! Hennessy! Hennessy!" Lisa murmured something to herself under her breath as she downed several large sips of whisky. Hennessy picked up the tempo of her walk.

When the men gazed at her, it appeared as though they were pleading with their eyes. Some pleaded with them, saying, "Please don't. I beg of you, don't!

"Please, please," many people implored with one another.

"Why?" Lisa whispered a question to them as she looked at them with a bewildered expression on her face. She brought her ear closer to the person who was speaking.

Lisa was drunk. Her antics were quite funny to watch unfold before me. In point of fact, everybody in the room had consumed enough alcohol to the point that they were acting ridiculously intoxicated.

"What the hell is going on with this Hennessy?" rapped the blue-horned Hennessy while holding a bottle of tequila in his hand. rapped the blue-horned Hennessy. threw some punches at the bottle of tequila. "Yo, man. I'm going to show you guys the song that is considered to be the best in all of music history. Yeah!"

He took a few sips from the bottle as though he were a young child who had been playing in the park all day and was thirsty. It was clear to see the gulps of water going down his neck when he leaned his head back and leaned forward slightly.

He leaned forward and took a deep, labored breath in through his nose. As he hoisted the bottle, he cried out, "Yeah, boys!" and smiled broadly. Hennessy took a sip from his beverage and then sat down on the clean floor with his back against the shiny table. He opened one leg and folded the other. After that, he just said, "Later."

Hennessy let out a booming snore the entire time with his mouth completely gaping open.

"Yay!" Cheers broke out from all members of the team. "Drink up!"

Mona was making a snow angel out of her body by spreading it out in the alcohol that had spilled all over the floor.

Lisa laughed. She had no control over her uncontrollable laughter. It was the best that she could do. She tried to hush herself by placing both hands over her mouth, but she couldn't stop the giggles from coming out nonetheless. The men made fun of her while they did it and pointed their fingers at her while they laughed.

As she spoke the words "I can't," a helpless look crossed her face as she shook her hands. I can't."

After that, she started running around the room while clapping her hands and saying "Vroom, Vroom, Vroom" at the same time.

She sat down and slid down the white marble wall after she had completed three full rounds of the room by sprinting in a complete circle. This was done after she had finished the circuits by running in a complete circle.

She let out a loud "Vrooo" as the sound emerged from her mouth.

Her eyes were starting to feel heavy, and she eventually just shut them entirely. 

Her lips were the only part of her body that moved, yet it was clear that she was trying to communicate with someone.