In Which She Was Having Fun

She smiled to herself in her dreams as she watched the movement of her eyelids behind her closed lids, and she rolled over on the luxurious mattress to do so.

An alarm chimed gently and buzzed constantly in the background, sounding similar to a busy bee that was wearing a jingling bell around its neck. Lisa's eyes wandered across the seemingly endless expanse of blue sky.

She opened her eyes with a sweet smile and a heavy sigh, the way you might do after waking up after the deepest, most rejuvenating sleep you've ever experienced in your entire life.

She murmured and stretched her arms and legs as she sat up, getting ready for the summer light that was hitting her plump cheeks.

After making a hasty detour to the left, Lisa immediately began scanning the surrounding area. It seemed as though she was dwelling in a lavish mansion of some sort. She and Mona had recently been staying at a number of different inns, and this one had a sufficient amount of space when compared to the others.

In addition to this, she got the sensation that the walls were exuding a lively vibe. They were brilliant and shimmered brilliantly in the sunshine.

She got to her feet, did another round of the stretches she had just finished, and then went to use the facility's bathroom.

As soon as Lisa stepped into the shower, the temperature of the water was perfect. Both the shampoo and the conditioner were manufactured from organic components, and both contained real orchids. The organic ingredients were used in both the shampoo and the conditioner. Lisa found that this kind of event was highly loved even if it took place in an environment in which men predominated.

After getting out of the shower and drying off, Lisa stepped out of the room while still having the towel wrapped around her body in the same way it was before.

On the dressing table there was a white note and a set of clothing that was wrapped in paper. Both of these items were sitting there together.

Lisa's brow furrowed in concentration. It's a good sign that she couldn't explain how the box got there, because that indicates that she didn't do it. She couldn't help but cast her eyes about the room, but she saw no evidence that anyone else had come into the room.

The fact that the door was locked from the inside compounded the existing problem. Mona had not yet emerged from her slumber.

"Could it be that the clothes were already hanging up in the closet when I walked in?" Lisa was pondering.

When Lisa looked back on this moment in her career as a detective, she couldn't help but chuckle at herself and wonder how she'd gotten here.

She murmured, "Being suspicious of everything, hmm," and then she sang, "Can't be too safe in an unknown environment..." after making some mumbling sounds.

In the note, Miss Losa was referred to as "the courageous and daring," and it was suggested that she dress in the style of a pirate by donning a pirate top with pants.

The pants and top are reserved for the quick-witted and naughty Miss Mona.

Lisa's pulling on the bow caused the silk to slip, which allowed the outfit to be opened up. The truth of the matter was that she loathed pants and any other item of clothing that kept her legs covered, including tights and stockings.

Dresses have traditionally been her area of expertise. Lisa had to put in a lot of work before she could find a style that was both comfortable and reflected her own sense of flair, but in the end, she was successful in doing so when she discovered that dresses with a loose, flowing fit were the way to go.

Dressing herself in gowns helped Lisa appreciate the importance of freedom more than anything else, which was extremely important to her.

She took a deep breath and forced herself to try on the clothing that had been lovingly provided to her by her friends and family. At the very least, she gave it a shot.

If she keeps browsing, there's a chance that she'll find a pair of pants that she really likes and wind up buying them.

Lisa placed her towel on the ground, and then one at a time, she started to put her legs into her pants. Lisa was wearing a pair of skinny jeans. She completed the look by donning a pirate blouse and tucking it into her pants. This was the finishing touch.

In addition, there were belts and suspenders that matched the set that could be purchased separately. 

She made an effort to put on the belt, but it seemed to be too large for her to wear. 

An expression of disbelief flashed on her face the instant that she buckled the suspenders.