In Which She Enjoys

When Lisa was asked what she meant, she responded with the word "Promise" while her tongue was curled up within her mouth and her lip was shaking.

Mona was so ecstatic that she started jumping up and down on the table while simultaneously doing a little dance with her arms lifted in the air. After that, she hugged Paul and James, who looked at each other with uncertain satisfaction as they exchanged embraces.

Despite the fact that Lisa had only momentarily closed her eyes, at that split second, she got the sensation that the entire weight of the cosmos was pushing down on her chest. Her eyes darted across the room, taking in the delighted looks on the faces of everyone she saw who was glad to have her there.

She rose from the chair, wiped her lips on a serviette, and then began to leave the table. She completed a full turn and then addressed Mona, telling her to "Stay here with them." I'll be seeing you again.