In Which It’s Ideal

There is also a possibility that you will become dizzy.

"What in the name of all that is holy am I doing wrong that I'm experiencing these sensations?" Suddenly, as she was weeping and clutching her hand to her neck, Lisa asked the question while also making the statement. The user commented that it was quite painful and called it a "b*tch."

"Language, Lisa," John remarked.

Lisa retorted, "Whatever," as she struggled to get herself up off the floor and attempted to stand up. "What's wrong with me that I can't stand up?" She moaned, but she was completely helpless and unable to move her body in any way.

"It's probable that you'll have difficulty moving around for a little period. Even this will eventually be behind us.

However, Lisa was not paying attention, so she was unaware of every word that he spoke.

He addressed to her by her first name, Lisa. "Lisa, look at me."