In Which It Was Uncertain

As a direct consequence of this, a great number of people held the erroneous idea that John's wheelchair was substantially easier to operate than it actually was. This was not the case. This did not turn out to be the case. It turned out that using the wheelchair was more difficult than it appeared to be, despite the fact that it gave the appearance that it was simpler than it actually was.

This was done so that the person using the wheelchair would get the impression that it was much easier to operate the wheelchair than it actually was. Having said that, to tell you the truth, it turned out to be a lot harder than I had expected it would be.

It placed a shade of uncertainty over the decision that you had made when John questioned your choices by asking, "Where would you like to travel first?"

"Please explain what you are saying to me because I do not comprehend what you are saying since you are using a language that is beyond my comprehension.