The sentence did not lose any of its worth in any way in spite of the fact that she was speaking very quietly, and despite the fact that she was speaking very softly, the sentence contained no grammatical errors.
The music, which was depressing throughout its entirety, contributed even further to the gloomy vibe that was already present in the space.
As the lady reached her hand into the pocket of her white lace dress, she removed a piece of red glass from the pocket and presented it to the gentleman.
Initially, the piece of glass had been stowed away in the pocket for covert operations. The glass was shattered into a number of fragments.
The woman then gave the soldier a wide grin before stating, "And this is for all of the people you've killed," as she cut the veins in the soldier's neck using the pointed corners of the glass.
The woman then pulled out the glass and threw it away. The soldier passed away right away.