The rockets are not very sensitive to damage. You choose one and focus your psychokinetic power on the grenade at its tip.

It does not detonate. Perhaps it's a question of strength, or perhaps of fine detail. Whichever is the case, you can't set the thing off. And now it's too late to try anything else. The vehicles are loaded up, and thirty or so Separatists drive out of the compound, weapons loaded.

The short Separatist convoy drives out from the compound, hoping to gain distance from the SENTINEL vehicles before they can be blockaded within the compound.

At least, that's your assumption. The convoy splits in two: two vehicles head for open desert, while the other two drive directly for Meeks's group of SENTINEL agents.

The confrontation is bloody. The Separatists fire a rocket that slams into one of the SENTINEL vans; the explosive impact tears off the van's wheel and tips the vehicle on its side. Most of the agents within are killed outright.

The conflict rapidly descends into a firefight. The SENTINEL agents succeed in gunning down every member of the diversion group. And then it is time to hunt down the remainders. The desert is hardly the best place to hide; once helicopter support arrives on the scene, the fleeing Separatist vehicles are located and stopped.

The mission is a success, but SENTINEL's losses have been unexpectedly heavy.
