Even asked for 5 times but there was no reaction in kalki ,he was still like a living corpse ,answering nothing.

"It doesn't matter weither he wants to join or not, tell the registration office that he is joining our team"

"But just for points he is being accepted in team but what will be his work?? right Even"the guy behind the devious looking man said.

"Yes, that's a good question. Let him be the one in the lead formation when we will be fighting the giants",Even said in joy.

Regi quickly said ,"That's not correct, am I right Falco? It's not correct to give him a bad position before checking what is he capable of. It's not how our team works".

[Character introduction, Regi- he is a boy, sorry man suffering from a genetically mutated diseases which makes his shape of body looks like a teenager even he is 23. He was the leader of the team untill Even defeated him in a hand to hand battle.Now he is a right arm man of Even.

Falco- He is a African man around 24, is bestfriend of Regi and founding member of the team.]

Before Regi could say anything else Even grabbed him with his mouth,"Now listen you twerp, this isn't your team anymore so you don't have any right to say before or after me.This is my team and I will decide what the rules are".

Falco ran towards Even to free Regi but Even was so big against two of them , he couldn't do a thing to save him. Even pounded both of them on ground and started to punch them. With each punch he was throwing he was laughing more and more.

"Stop" someone spoked. Hearing this Even shouted,"who the fu*ck spoked".

Everyone were looking at eachother trying to figure out who was the one that spoked."Stop it",Kalki spoked.

Even first became very angry and then suddenly started to laugh,"This animal also speaks, Hahaha hahaha hahah!!!!! So what are you going to do if I don't stop??, are you going to hurt me?,kill me?"Even said jokingly.

"Now let's forget about the lead formation position, let's do our team practice, right new team member??"

Regi requested,"Even please don't do that by his shape he cannot defeat you, let him be as he is".

"Are you forgetting the team rules former leader?? Isn't it is a right of a new member to be given a brawl with the leader so that the strongest one becomes the new leader. Just sit there and enjoy you moron", Even ordered all .

Even threw a knife and said," come on new member pick up the knife and fight me". Kalki still didn't responded.Even waited for minutes and said,"Nah your are not making me to take intrest in you, perhaps Regi was right not to give you the lead position after all you are the one that killed his own team mates"

"Am I wrong Kalki??, people says that you used sorcery on your team so that they could fight and make points for you while you acted to be physically unfit for fight. How does it feels to use the simple minded slaves",Even said with a big dark smile and Started to move towards the door.

Kalki ran towards him and stabbed Even's leg and then with the surgical knife he had from the medical room stabbed Even's shoulder and pushed him on ground.

The other members that were there became angry and took their weapons to attack Kalki so suddenly Regi screamed," Stop you fools!!! don't you see it is a brawl for the leadership".

All mens stopped walking towards Kalki and sat down on the ground. Before Even could agonies in pain, Kalki sat on his chest and started punching him. He was punching him for almost five minutes in which all were watching their leader to be pounded like an animal.

There was blood all over kalki's fists and Even's face was almost deformed. Kalki's face was not showing any emotions but his eyes were wet.No one was even blinking for a second.

Whereas Kalki in his mind shouting,"What game, what 'mrutyu dand', what life , what death. Everything that I had from my birth was just the pain and misery.What had I done to this world,to those that rules the world so that I am accounted for this pain and suffering.Even the things that I loved were taken away from me for the world's ammusement. Now it's enough. Now I am done with this distorted world. From today I will show the world what ammusement really is, I will takeaway everything from the ones that took anything from me."

Falco and Regi both stopped Kalki and made him move from Even's chest."From now the new leader of team is me , am I right",Kalki screamed.

kalki grabbed Falco's collar and asked,"what happened when I was not in my senses". Both voice and body posture of Kalki changed suddenly like he was nothing of his past self.

Kalki smiled after hearing all about team 20 and suddenly woke up and said," Since i am the leader of the team , my first order is bring all the things from your previous cell here because now we are going to make a formula, that formula is for how to kill a giant".

" Umm excuse me, what about Even. He is still lying unconscious there.

Kalki gave a dark smile and said ,"throw him on the doctor neckro's room's front door ,i am sure that she might know how to use him".