
"Damn" Ichigo grumbled "Grimmjow and Ulquiorra can only be kidding"

He had already eliminated over 100 hollows in a single day. When they came to this world, he and his friends never thought about the possibility that the Hollows were following them.

The possibility existed. it was not news that the Hueco world or at least part of it came with them. Hollows could come too. What he didn't think about was the possibility of Hueco Mundo starting to change the world

"I think it's finally under control" He grumbled with an ugly face "Now, I've already shown the hell to myself, what to do?"

"Kurosaki-Kun" Inoue took him out of his thoughts by running to him "The Hollows finished, Sado-Kun, Rukia, Renji-san and Nel-chan eliminated the remains"

"Well... shall we go home?" Ichigo sighed "I'm already annoyed with these Hollows"

"We will!" Inoue waved


"What are these things?" The Bird Woman, Liza asked exhaustedly "Are they stronger than most devils, fallen angels, and exorcists I face"

She was panting looking at a body of a giant masked ant monster lying on the ground and disappearing.

She fought for her life against the creatures and barely made it out alive "I have to get stronger to help Shad-Sama"



An explosion startled her making her jump back. She landed and looked at where the explosion came from and saw Sado fighting 3 hollows and winning.

Two of them were already on the ground disappearing and the other three were being pushed away.

Sado's arms were strangely much bigger than they should have been and oddly shaped

"I'm sure Chad-Sama and Inoue-Sama are pure-blooded devils, although they deny it" Liza commented in amazement "He's also absolutely final class"

It was in fact that Sado and Inoue's energy emanating was identical to that of pureblood devils, no, their energy was a bit purer than that of normal pureblood devils

"I'm so lucky to serve Chad-sama~~" She melted in love "I just have to keep him safe from devil piranhas who might want to bring him into their clans"


"So that's what happened?" Ulquiorra commented, "this world has its Shinigami!"

Ulquiorra's words were completely emotionless on her serious face. He was in a position of indifference watching Mayuri open the body of the skeleton she screamed

"Tch, they're just as weak as" Grimmjow growled looking at the experiments "Apparently we weren't the only swords that came"

"Who do you think it could be?" Ulquiorra asked, "I don't feel the presence!"

"haa, it was Yammy, who was killed by a guy named Hades!" Grimmjow claimed "a god of death"

"A shinigami captain?" Ulquiorra asked

"No, not my dear Hollow" Mayuri joined the conversation with her disturbing smile "The being that killed Yammy was a god of death with a capital G, what this Shinigami of this world said... there is no such thing as a real god, so this being is probably something like the king of spirits"

"Hahaha, King of spirits, The one that Aizen wanted to reach? haha, it means that if I kill this Hades, I'll be able to be better than Aizen" Grimmjow yelled looking at Mayuri "That's right, right Shinigami!!"

"Exactly my dear Hollow!!" Mayuri Stated"Imagine the data I can get from a spirit king in flesh and blood and accessible"

Ulquiorra looked at the two and said nothing. He just looked once more at the living dissected Grimm Reaper and pointed his finger at him.

"Aren't you going to wear this anymore?" He asked

"No, I already got all the data I needed" Mayuri replied

"Cero" Ulquiorra waved and pointed his finger at the Grimm Reaper a dark light flashed from his finger and a bolt of dark energy shot towards the Grimm Reaper turning him to dust.

"What did you do!!!" Mayuri screamed in desperation

"I took out the trash" Ulquiorra replied

"Ulquiorra, are you getting soft?" Grimmjow asked

He looked strangely at the fourth sword and clicked his tongue.


The next day

Ichigo opened his eyes and felt a weight in his chest. He looked down and saw Nel lying on his chest.

"Nel what are you doing?" He asked

"Lying with You Ichigo!!" She responded excitedly, "Let's stay here today!!"

"no, let's go to school" Ichigo grumbled "You're the principal now remember!"

"How boring" Nel complained whimpering

"Hey, don't be like that, I promise I'll make it up to you" Ichigo replied

He began to soften with Nel little by little since she was in child form in the Hueco mundo. He took a liking to her. Now that affection was becoming something else.

He just couldn't accept that fact yet.



When Ichigo and his group arrived at the school, he, Ulquiorra, and Inoue were stopped by Yutoo Kiba.

"Kurosaki-San, Inoue-San and Sifer-San.." Kiba called out to them

"What you want?" Ichigo replied with a frown "I don't have time"

"The student supernatural club president is calling you into her office"


Nel arrived in her office with an irritated sigh and sat down in a comfortable chair.

"aaahhh I wish I was with Ichigo!!!" she whimpered

Toki, Toki

"Goes into!!" Nel grumbled

"Excuse me, Principal Nelliel" Souna Shitori the student council president, and her deputy Tsubaki Shinra entered Nel's office

"What do you want?" Nel asked with a smile.

"Principal Nelliel we would like to talk about the school and its rules," Souna said

"I know the rules" Nel replied now formally "I don't need more information!!"

"I insist you do" Souna replied "Please forgive me"

A magic circle appeared in Souna's hands and Tsubaki went behind her with a guilty face.

The two did not like to use hypnosis, but to ensure that their rule over the territory and their control of the school continued it was necessary

That's when a huge person fell on them"Aaaahhhh" The two fell to their knees and lost their breath

"What is happening?" Souna gasped

"Souna, I can't breathe" Tsubaki cried

"Don't ever do that again" Nel stated firmly "I'm very kind and that's why I didn't have enough reatsu to kill them, but there won't be a second time"

Her eyes were full of certainty that made Tsubaki and Souna shiver. Nel's eyes said two things, if you try anything again you'll die the second was much more disturbing and pointless. Don't come near my territorial

They didn't understand Nel's territorial sense and just nodded.

"We're sorry" The two cried

"Wonderful, now we can talk"

In the second moment, the pressure that threw them down disappeared with souna and Tsubaki breathing again.

'she's as powerfull as my sister or more' Souna gasped "I can't tell the Nessama about it, I have to avoid destruction in a Shinto territory and cause a war if I don't even know which faction the director belongs to"

She gasped and once again looked at Nel. "Can we please keep order at school?"

Her words seemed to be accusing, but her tone held a pleading sound and Nel responded.

"I won't cause trouble if you don't provoke us"

Souna waved "Thank you!"

she wanted to say more, only she knew that all she could do was miss it. The guy in front of her was way above anything she'd ever faced.

Souna realized at that moment that she was weak. She wasn't as special as she thought

to be continued