And pretty much from there, my life was smooth sailing, I, being the most talented boxer in the world made my debut fight two days after, winning it in a convincing fashion. The child's head flew off as I punched him that hard.
Straight Henry the 8th style, Form 999, decapitation!
Yep as you can probably tell that is the opposite of what happened.
It was much, much harder than I thought.
I found out that the old geezer's name was brian, yep like the name of the dog from family guy. Which always made me giggle when I thought about it.
So yeah big Brian is now my coach, he looked reluctant to go along with this whole thing but I'm guessing he was betting on me quitting anyways. Actually no, I'm pretty sure at this point he was concerned about making enough money from me so he didn't get scammed out of the price of 4 sausages.
Big Brian is surprisingly stubborn when it comes to money. I tried asking him to coach me for free since I didn't have a lot of money but he said, "What do I care, you pay, I teach! If you don't like that, leave!"
To which I would mutter, "Jackass!"
Anyways, back to the plotline...
My first time boxing, Brian measured my hands and found some old dusty gloves and taught me how to wrap my hands.
The wrap was the cloth underneath your gloves if you didn't know, you know the stuff that comes in all different colours, wrapped around their hands when the boxers in the changing room are shadow boxing before the big fight on TV.
As a beginner, I genuinely thought that it was just to give you extra padding underneath your gloves but Big Brian called me a clown.
His face made this look that expressed if you were my son, I'd disown you...
Yep, the cloth is there to support your hands and wrist. It prevents injury and improves punches. There is also a set way to wrap your hands and if you don't learn it and follow it then the wrapping is pointless and you may as well not wear it at all.
Fascinating isn't it.
Since I had to listen to Brian ranting and raving so do you.
Now queue the footage and dialogue of my gameplay:
Title: The World's Best Boxer's First Time Picking Up The Gloves!
I know the title is long but it's good for the youtube algorithm...
"Ok, brat, come with me," Brian spoke as he went into coaching mode. His actions and demeanour were focused and serious evident that Ryan had to resemble his shift in mood if he wanted to train.
"Why bother asking for my name, if you're going to call me a brat?" Ryan muttered but Brian didn't bother replying.
The both of them went out of the back door and into the garden. Ryan thought they were just heading outside for whatever reason but when he saw the sight of the backyard, his outlook on the Grainger Park Boxing Gym changed.
"Wow!" He was unable to keep his surprise from leaving his mouth.
"It's beautiful isn't it!" The old geezer also expressed his appreciation for the sight they were seeing.
What were they looking at? Was it a portal to an alternative world with elf beauties and hot babes?
Nope, it was a boxing gym. A fully fledge one at that.
It had to be known that not once in his past life did Ryan actually bother to care about his body and workout for working out's sake. Yes, he played football in school but when school was over and done with he just spent all day long in a desk chair, enjoying life.
So how could someone with that mentality find the sight of a boxing gym 'beautiful'?
The garden was an enclosed space, where nobody from the outside could see in unless they were over 10ft tall and could peep over the fence. Then we have a problem.
A standard ring was in the middle, big enough for professionals to spar and fight, it was way too big for Ryan's current age group but it was breathtaking. The ropes were red and blue and the canvas was a clear white.
It was in pristine condition.
A treasure one might say.
Then all around that were different boxing bags, which I don't even know the difference between. Some were fat, some were skinny, some were small, and some were circular. Some were beaten to F*ck, and some were clearly never used before...
"Surprisingly this place is a lot different than inside? Did you do it on purpose?" Ryan asked as he was confused at the fact that the inside was a mess.
In fact, a thought popped into his mind, was Brian into some weird fetish.
Did he like sitting around in his own filth?
Waking me from my train of thought, the geezer spoke with a mocking smile, "You know brat, from the small time we have been talking to each other, I can already tell that you are intelligent but at the same time, very very stupid!"
"You just contradicted yourself..." Ryan retorted not wanting to be called stupid.
The geezer just looked at Ryan and laughed slightly, "You just proved my point!"
*Queue, western tumbleweed passing by, as silence descended on the boxing gym*
"Enough of the chitchat, let's get to work, otherwise your just wasting your time!"
Big Brian slipped into boxing coach mode, and I slipped in between the ropes of the ring. It was my first time inside a ring but something about it made me feel excited.
You know the feeling when your blood is pumping, right before a football match final or when you're in an SND round 11, call of duty match. That type of excitement.
"Ok brat, listen up because everything from here on is absolutely vital."
"Boxing is a sport and it has a long history that you will have to dive into sooner or later and learn to respect if you want to be a boxer. But for today, I will show you the basics."
"Firstly, there are 4 main punches in Boxing. I say 4 because all the other punches are just derived from the 4 main punches and made into different executes. That's for another time."
"Punch number one, The jab, watch!"
The old geezer then shot out his left arm, his form was perfect and although it was just a demonstration it was visibly fast.
"The jab is the most important punch in the game, people might argue that but it's true. The jab can do many things like defending and attacking or even create opportunities. It can single handily win you a match."
Ryan nodded to express he was following along.
Truthfully, just from watching boxing on the TV and his computer in his past life, he knew the basic punches but there was a difference between seeing and learning. So he listened attentively.
"Next punch, The cross, watch!"
Brian flung out his right arm this time and spun his back leg, pivoting with his hips to extend his arm further than the jab prior reached.
The geezer exhaled.
Ryan stood watching with a smile, "Quick and strong!"
To which Brian smiled and nodded as he explained deeper, "The cross is your moneymaker, your knock out punch. Since it's your stronger hand it tends to be the arm you can control better and land more times than often. Of course, we train to make every punch reach the same power, strength and speed but it can't compare with the cross."
"The technique in the cross is made to knock people out and deal damage on your opponent."
"Punch number 3, The Hook, watch!"
Brian left for stepped forward slightly and his body twisted from the waist, pivoting to increase his power. Then came his right arm in a 90-degree fashion, with his glove facing out to the left, almost hitting his other arm.
"The hook is a punch that can be made with the left or the right hand, its main job is to get around the guard of your opponent and it can land on the body or the head. It's versatile but deadly, the number of people I've seen dropped by the hook when one lands on the liver are too many..."
'Hmm, I'm guessing he's referring to the liver shot that Canelo was so popular for in the later parts of my life.'
"Punch number 4, The uppercut, Watch!"
This time the geezer stepped forward slightly but his movements weren't as extreme as the other punches. His fist struck closer to himself and went from lower down and ended higher up. But he didn't bother just throwing one, instead, he threw out two punches, one with the right and one with the left.
They were both identical but just with different arms.
"The uppercut is when your up and close, you can slip it up and under your opponent's defence to land a big hit. It's a technical punch that needs precision and impeccable timing to land."
"What do you think? Easy?" Brian teased the small brat looking at him with an eager smile to try.