My name is Ira strange name I know so to start with I died you know kick the bucket I'm six feet under.
So get this I was on my roof trying to fix my satellite dish and because my stupid roommate wouldn't get off his lazy ass and help me I fell off the fucking roof and cracked my skull on the pavement I was 22 in the prime of my life then just dead fate is one cruel bitch.
Well, prime is an exaggeration I was skinny like bone-thin you could see my ribs through my chest and my arms were like match sticks and I wasn't poor or something my family was upper-middle-class they could afford to feed me plus I ate a lot all the time my metabolic rate was just crazy I had horrible lung problems to my body just sucked ass.
As for my looks, I was if I had to say average I would have been more attractive if I didn't have the body of a goddamn skeleton I had dark brown hair and black eyes and slightly tanned skin I was pretty smart not a genius but I did well in school got into a good college made some friends I was having a good life but hey like I said before fate is an ugly fucking bitch so now I'm dead so now you know who I am so let's start this thing.
I woke up in a child's bedroom I look down and see I'm a cubby toddler so guess I was reborn so that's good I'd hate to go to hell or something I looked around it looked like a typical bedroom for a 4-year-old I'm in dinosaur pajamas but I'm just drenched in sweat huh? there's something cold on my head an ice pack was I sick oh guess that's how this kid died R.I.P little kid you will be missed we'll not really haha wait is that messed up?
So I'm in a crib what kind of 4-year-old still sleeps in a crib was he a spaz or something whatever I want out I climb over the side but I lose my balance and land hard with a loud thud I then hear footsteps and a man and a woman come rushing in.
"oh my God, he fell out of his crib again wait he hasn't moved in days Steven I think he's better." said some woman who looked to be in her middle to late 30s I'm gonna take a guess and say she's my mom.
"I know Donna let's take his temperature then we should take him to the doctor just to be sure," said Steven apparently who's my dad.
They picked me up and put a thermometer in my mouth my temp was normal but they still put my ass in a car seat and drove me to the doctor.
"Hey Steven do you think our son is acting weird I mean he's just not his usual energetic self he's not even kicking the back of my chair and he always does that," said Donna.
"I know what you mean he isn't screaming or complaining like usual either he must be sicker than we thought," said Steven.
What the hell this kid sounds like a brat I mean most 4-year-olds are but still, he sounds like a nightmare we drove into the hospital parking lot and they brought me into the waiting room a few minutes later a nurse called my name Ira wait what? my name is Ira here to what the odds of that they then moved me to this little room the doctor came like 5 minutes later.
"Oh hello little Ira you had me worried you had one nasty fever glad your alright let's give you a check-up," said the doctor I think his name tag says, Philips.
They did all kinds of things you know like checking my reflexes with that hammer thing taking that magnifying glass flashlight and looking into my ears then my throat like when you were a kid kinda takes me back you know.
I'm all better at least that's what the doctor said but my throat is a little swollen so he prescribed some cough medicine then we left but my parents still looked concerned since I wasn't acting like a little shit man I know the upset now but oh boy I bet that be grateful later down the line.
(6 months later)
So they are not grateful like I thought they took me to a behavioral psychologist and get this he said I was autistic like hell I am I'm a completely normal guy my parents were all crying and junk but I'm just fine, screw them for even thinking that and I just found out it's the year 2004 so I'm four that means I was born in the year 2000 and my birthdays August 3rd.
they took to all kinds of therapists and stuff but I'm fine there treating me like a mental case but I'm not pissing me off I'm starting school in 2 years so that's something to look forward to.
I just want a normal life the only good thing that I'm super happy about is my body is perfectly healthy no problems like with my old body I'm gonna work out and eat healthily I don't want to be a skinny loser again this time I'm gonna live a long and fulfilling life.