Arielle Is Stuck In The King's Room

Arielle led the man back inside after she opened the door to the king's room. She looked at the fireplace where the fire had died. The room temperature also became colder than when Arielle left earlier.

After she gently helped the king back on his own bed, Arielle took off her coat once again. She needed to get the firewood back into the fireplace, but a tug on her skirt made Arielle unable to leave her place. 

Arielle looked back. Ronan reached out his hand while gripping Arielle's skirt tightly. Ronan himself had closed his eyes back, which meant the man had fallen asleep.

"Your Majesty, please let go of your grip for a moment," asked Arielle. She tried to untangle those big fingers from her skirt.

"Stay here. Like before," Ronan replied quietly.

Arielle kept asking the man to let her go, and after doing some tug-of-war for a while, Ronan unhooked his hands from the girl's skirt. Arielle could finally do what she wanted now.