Is This Love?

Night fell fast, and they were only halfway through. The royal entourage rested at a nearby inn.

The innkeeper looked so surprised to see people dressed in iron armor approach his inn. With their limited human resources, the innkeeper immediately told his employee to clean up the inn to receive the royal guests.

The old man and his two daughters bowed respectfully as Ronan entered the inn. The king checked the suitability of the place to ensure that Arielle could rest comfortably. Although not luxurious, the inn was quite clean, and there was no gap

for the night breeze to enter. 

It was warm enough for Arielle.  He nodded in satisfaction. Ronan then gave orders for his knights to take turns guarding outside. Arielle and Tania occupied the best room the inn had.

After he warmed up Arielle's room, Namina was summoned to warm up some of the knights who were sitting together downstairs.