You Are Mine **

What did Arielle just say? She wanted Ronan to feel pleasure too?


The man's self-control fiber was already very thin, and when Arielle asked him to get himself satisfied too, the man's patience broke.

Ronan pulled out his rock-hard manhood and immediately thrust it back inside hard, startling Arielle. The man was no longer doing it slowly. Ronan had lost control and was now pumping Arielle's fold rapidly that there was no time for Arielle to breathe.

Ronan pinned the girl's hands above her head and continued moving his hips fast and hard. Ronan went down to kiss Arielle's lips, she was moaning uncontrollably. When he saw the girl's tears roll down on her cheeks, Ronan chose to lick the salty liquid.

Arielle's scent was getting stronger, and Ronan was desperately drowned in it. He was crazy about her sweet scent. Gosh... he loved everything about her.