Alexis And Andrea In Nieverdell

Queen Rosalie was waiting for the arrival of her two children, Prince Alexis and Princess Andrea, who had just returned from the North. Some of their other siblings were also waiting behind the queen.

As the carriage was seen entering the palace grounds, the woman's smile widened.  A servant opened the carriage door, and Alexis walked out without even greeting his mother. The man was annoyed.

"I told you we should have ridden faster," he said in an annoyed tone at Andrea, who had just come out of the carriage.

"I'm not comfortable if the carriage moves too fast!" Andrea replied, no less annoyed than her brother.

"That's why it took us days to get home, Andrea!"

They had just come a very long way. To ride really fast might take a day and a night but traveling with Andrea was like walking with an ant. They took four days.