The Tired Ronan

Arielle would stop by the palace kitchen to ask for some ingredients there. When she wanted to leave her room, suddenly the door to her room opened, and Ronan stood with a book and a pen.

Arielle immediately hid the book under a sofa cushion and then stood up to welcome the arrival of the king.

"Are you done with work?"

"Not yet," answered Ronan curtly.

The man closed the door to Arielle's room again, then took off his shoes and climbed onto the bed. Ronan patted the empty space next to him so that Arielle could lie down beside him.

"Not yet? Then why are you here? Didn't I say I'd see you when you're done with work?"

"It is all because of Lazarus," answered Ronan with a heavy breath.

"Lazarus? What happened?"

"I took Lazarus out for a few glasses of whiskey, and the guy got drunk so fast. I took him to my study so he could sleep, but the sound of his snoring made me unable to concentrate."