The Gift From Lazarus

Arielle helped Ronan open the door to the man's room, and Ronan closed it back with his foot. Arriving in the room, Ronan could immediately see a box tied with hemp rope and a yellow ribbon. He turned to Arielle with a big smile.

"Is that a present from you?" asked Ronan, who threw all the gifts his friend gave him on the sofa and cheered up at the present that Arielle gave him. "Thank you!"

Arielle rushed after the man and took back the present, and hid it behind her body.

"Huh? You don't intend to give it to me?" the man asked, confused. His voice sounded disappointed.

If Arielle didn't intend to give him a present, why put it on his bed. Ronan approached the girl and reached out his hand to take the present back. Arielle maneuvered quickly to avoid the man with a big smile.

"You want to play chase again?" asked Ronan while laughing at Arielle's very adorable behavior.